Changelog for Falcon 3.1.1 ========================== Summary ------- This is a minor point release addressing a couple of high impact bugs, and enabling the framework on the recently released CPython 3.11. Changes to Supported Platforms ------------------------------ - Falcon is now functional on CPython 3.11. Full 3.11 support (including taking care of stdlib deprecations) will be formalized in Falcon 4.0. - As with the previous release, Python 3.5 & 3.6 remain deprecated and will no longer be supported in Falcon 4.0. Fixed ----- - Request attributes :attr:`~falcon.Request.forwarded_scheme` and :attr:`~falcon.Request.forwarded_host` now no longer raise an ``IndexError`` while processing an invalid or empty ``Forwarded`` header. (`#2043 `__) - The ``orjson`` library now works correctly when used as JSON serializer in the media handlers in the ASGI version of Falcon. (`#2100 `__) Contributors to this Release ---------------------------- Many thanks to those who contributed to this bugfix release: - `CaselIT `__ - `kgriffs `__ - `TBoshoven `__ - `vytas7 `__