Multipart Forms#

Falcon features easy and efficient access to submitted multipart forms by using MultipartFormHandler to handle the multipart/form-data media type. This handler is enabled by default, allowing you to use req.get_media() to iterate over the body parts in a form:

form = req.get_media()
for part in form:
    if part.content_type == 'application/json':
        # Body part is a JSON document, do something useful with it = part.get_media()
    elif == 'datafile':
        while True:
            # Do something with the uploaded data (file)
            chunk =
            if not chunk:
    elif == 'imagedata':
        # Store this body part in a file.
        filename = os.path.join(UPLOAD_PATH, part.secure_filename)
        with open(filename, 'wb') as dest:
        # Do something else
        form_data[] = part.text
form = await req.get_media()
async for part in form:
    if part.content_type == 'application/json':
        # Body part is a JSON document, do something useful with it = await part.get_media()
    elif == 'datafile':
        # Do something with the uploaded data (file)
        async for chunk in
            await feed_data(chunk)
    elif == 'imagedata':
        # Store this body part in a file.
        filename = os.path.join(UPLOAD_PATH, part.secure_filename)
        async with, 'wb') as dest:
        # Do something else
        form_data[] = await part.text


Rather than being read in and buffered all at once, the request stream is only consumed on-demand, while iterating over the body parts in the form.

For each part, you can choose whether to read the whole part into memory, write it out to a file, or upload it to the cloud. Falcon offers straightforward support for all of these scenarios.

Multipart Form and Body Part Types#

class ReadableIO, boundary: bytes, content_length: int | None, parse_options: MultipartParseOptions)[source]#

Iterable object that returns each form part as BodyPart instances.

Typical usage illustrated below:

def on_post(self, req: Request, resp: Response) -> None:
    form: MultipartForm = req.get_media()

    for part in form:
        if == 'foo':


MultipartForm is meant to be instantiated directly only by the MultipartFormHandler parser.

class PyBufferedReader, headers: Dict[bytes, bytes], parse_options: MultipartParseOptions)[source]#

Represents a body part in a multipart form in an ASGI application.


BodyPart is meant to be instantiated directly only by the MultipartFormHandler parser.

property content_type: str#

Value of the Content-Type header.

When the header is missing returns the multipart form default text/plain.

property data: bytes#

Property that acts as a convenience alias for get_data().

# Equivalent to: content = part.get_data()
content =
property filename: str | None#

File name if the body part is an attached file, and None otherwise.

get_data() bytes[source]#

Return the body part content bytes.

The maximum number of bytes that may be read is configurable via MultipartParseOptions, and a MultipartParseError is raised if the body part is larger that this size.

The size limit guards against reading unexpectedly large amount of data into memory by referencing data and text properties that build upon this method. For large bodies, such as attached files, use the input stream directly.


Calling this method the first time will consume the part’s input stream. The result is cached for subsequent access, and follow-up calls will just retrieve the cached content.


The body part content.

Return type:


get_media() Any[source]#

Return a deserialized form of the multipart body part.

When called, this method will attempt to deserialize the body part stream using the Content-Type header as well as the media-type handlers configured via MultipartParseOptions.

The result will be cached and returned in subsequent calls:

deserialized_media = part.get_media()

The deserialized media representation.

Return type:


get_text() str | None[source]#

Return the body part content decoded as a text string.

Text is decoded from the part content (as returned by get_data()) using the charset specified in the Content-Type header, or, if omitted, the default charset. The charset must be supported by Python’s bytes.decode() function. The list of standard encodings (charsets) supported by the Python 3 standard library can be found here.

If decoding fails due to invalid data bytes (for the specified encoding), or the specified encoding itself is unsupported, a MultipartParseError will be raised when referencing this property.


As this method builds upon get_data(), it will consume the part’s input stream in the same way.


The part decoded as a text string provided the part is encoded as text/plain, None otherwise.

Return type:


property media: Any#

Property that acts as a convenience alias for get_media().

# Equivalent to: deserialized_media = part.get_media()
deserialized_media =
property name: str | None#

The name parameter of the Content-Disposition header.

The value of the “name” parameter is the original field name from the submitted HTML form.


According to RFC 7578, section 4.2, each part MUST include a Content-Disposition header field of type “form-data”, where the name parameter is mandatory.

However, Falcon will not raise any error if this parameter is missing; the property value will be None in that case.

property secure_filename: str#

The sanitized version of filename using only the most common ASCII characters for maximum portability and safety wrt using this name as a filename on a regular file system.

If filename is empty or unset when referencing this property, an instance of MultipartParseError will be raised.

See also: secure_filename()

stream: PyBufferedReader#

File-like input object for reading the body part of the multipart form request, if any. This object provides direct access to the server’s data stream and is non-seekable. The stream is automatically delimited according to the multipart stream boundary.

With the exception of being buffered to keep track of the boundary, the wrapped body part stream interface and behavior mimic Request.bounded_stream.

Reading the whole part content:

data =

This is also safe:

doc = yaml.safe_load(
property text: str | None#

Property that acts as a convenience alias for get_text().

# Equivalent to: decoded_text = part.get_text()
decoded_text = part.text
class falcon.asgi.multipart.MultipartForm(stream: AsyncReadableIO, boundary: bytes, content_length: int | None, parse_options: MultipartParseOptions)[source]#

Iterable object that returns each form part as BodyPart instances.

Typical usage illustrated below:

async def on_post(self, req: Request, resp: Response) -> None:
    form: MultipartForm = await req.get_media()

    async for part in form:
        if == 'foo':


MultipartForm is meant to be instantiated directly only by the MultipartFormHandler parser.

class falcon.asgi.multipart.BodyPart(stream: PyBufferedReader, headers: Dict[bytes, bytes], parse_options: MultipartParseOptions)[source]#

Represents a body part in a multipart form in a ASGI application.


BodyPart is meant to be instantiated directly only by the MultipartFormHandler parser.

property data: bytes#

Property that acts as a convenience alias for get_data().

The await keyword must still be added when referencing the property:

# Equivalent to: content = await part.get_data()
content = await
async get_data() bytes[source]#

Return the body part content bytes.

The maximum number of bytes that may be read is configurable via MultipartParseOptions, and a MultipartParseError is raised if the body part is larger that this size.

The size limit guards against reading unexpectedly large amount of data into memory by referencing data and text properties that build upon this method. For large bodies, such as attached files, use the input stream directly.


Calling this method the first time will consume the part’s input stream. The result is cached for subsequent access, and follow-up calls will just retrieve the cached content.


The body part content.

Return type:


async get_media() Any[source]#

Return a deserialized form of the multipart body part.

When called, this method will attempt to deserialize the body part stream using the Content-Type header as well as the media-type handlers configured via MultipartParseOptions.

The result will be cached and returned in subsequent calls:

deserialized_media = await part.get_media()

The deserialized media representation.

Return type:


async get_text() str | None[source]#

Return the body part content decoded as a text string.

Text is decoded from the part content (as returned by get_data()) using the charset specified in the Content-Type header, or, if omitted, the default charset. The charset must be supported by Python’s bytes.decode() function. The list of standard encodings (charsets) supported by the Python 3 standard library can be found here.

If decoding fails due to invalid data bytes (for the specified encoding), or the specified encoding itself is unsupported, a MultipartParseError will be raised when referencing this property.


As this method builds upon get_data(), it will consume the part’s input stream in the same way.


The part decoded as a text string provided the part is encoded as text/plain, None otherwise.

Return type:


property media: Any#

Property that acts as a convenience alias for get_media().

The await keyword must still be added when referencing the property:

# Equivalent to: deserialized_media = await part.get_media()
deserialized_media = await
stream: BufferedReader#

File-like input object for reading the body part of the multipart form request, if any. This object provides direct access to the server’s data stream and is non-seekable. The stream is automatically delimited according to the multipart stream boundary.

With the exception of being buffered to keep track of the boundary, the wrapped body part stream interface and behavior mimic

Similarly to BoundedStream, the most efficient way to read the body part content is asynchronous iteration over part data chunks:

async for data_chunk in
property text: str | None#

Property that acts as a convenience alias for get_text().

The await keyword must still be added when referencing the property:

# Equivalent to: decoded_text = await part.get_text()
decoded_text = await part.text

Parser Configuration#

Similar to falcon.App's req_options and resp_options, instantiating a MultipartFormHandler also fills its parse_options attribute with a set of sane default values suitable for many use cases out of the box. If you need to customize certain form parsing aspects of your application, the preferred way is to directly modify the properties of this attribute on the media handler (parser) in question:

import falcon

handler =

# Assume text fields to be encoded in latin-1 instead of utf-8
handler.parse_options.default_charset = 'latin-1'

# Allow an unlimited number of body parts in the form
handler.parse_options.max_body_part_count = 0

# Afford parsing msgpack-encoded body parts directly via part.get_media()
extra_handlers = {

In order to use your customized handler in an app, simply replace the default handler for multipart/form-data with the new one:

app = falcon.App()

# handler is instantiated and configured as per the above snippet
app.req_options.media_handlers[falcon.MEDIA_MULTIPART] = handler
app = falcon.asgi.App()

# handler is instantiated and configured as per the above snippet
app.req_options.media_handlers[falcon.MEDIA_MULTIPART] = handler


For more information on customizing media handlers, see also: Replacing the Default Handlers.

Parsing Options#


Defines a set of configurable multipart form parser options.

An instance of this class is exposed via the MultipartFormHandler.parse_options attribute. The handler’s options are also passed down to every BodyPart it instantiates.

See also: Parser Configuration.

default_charset: str#

The default character encoding for text fields (default utf-8).

max_body_part_buffer_size: int#

The maximum number of bytes to buffer and return when the BodyPart.get_data() method is called (default 1 MiB).

If the body part size exceeds this value, an instance of MultipartParseError will be raised.

max_body_part_count: int#

The maximum number of body parts in the form (default 64).

If the form contains more parts than this number, an instance of MultipartParseError will be raised. If this option is set to 0, no limit will be imposed by the parser.

max_body_part_headers_size: int#

The maximum size (in bytes) of the body part headers structure (default 8192).

If the body part headers size exceeds this value, an instance of MultipartParseError will be raised.

media_handlers: Handlers#

A dict-like object for configuring the media-types to handle.

By default, handlers are provided for the application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded media types.

Parsing Errors#

class falcon.MultipartParseError(*, description: str | None = None, **kwargs: HeaderArg | HTTPErrorKeywordArguments)[source]#

Represents a multipart form parsing error.

This error may refer to a malformed or truncated form, usage of deprecated or unsupported features, or form parameters exceeding limits configured in MultipartParseOptions.

MultipartParseError instances raised in this module always include a short human-readable description of the error.

The cause of this exception, if any, is stored in the __cause__ attribute using the “raise … from” form when raising.


source_error (Exception) – The source exception that was the cause of this one.

code: int | None#

An internal application code that a user can reference when requesting support for the error.

description: str | None#

Description of the error to send to the client.

headers: HeaderArg | None#

Extra headers to add to the response.

An href that the client can provide to the user for getting help.

status: ResponseStatus#

HTTP status code or line (e.g., '200 OK').

This may be set to a member of http.HTTPStatus, an HTTP status line string or byte string (e.g., '200 OK'), or an int.

title: str#

Error title to send to the client.

Derived from the status if not provided.