Source code for falcon.inspect

# Copyright 2020 by Federico Caselli
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Inspect utilities for falcon applications."""

from functools import partial
import inspect
from typing import Callable  # NOQA: F401
from typing import Dict  # NOQA: F401
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type  # NOQA: F401

from falcon import app_helpers
from import App
from falcon.routing import CompiledRouter

[docs] def inspect_app(app: App) -> 'AppInfo': """Inspects an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: AppInfo: The information regarding the application. Call :meth:`~.AppInfo.to_string` on the result to obtain a human-friendly representation. """ routes = inspect_routes(app) static = inspect_static_routes(app) sinks = inspect_sinks(app) error_handlers = inspect_error_handlers(app) middleware = inspect_middleware(app) return AppInfo(routes, middleware, static, sinks, error_handlers, app._ASGI)
[docs] def inspect_routes(app: App) -> 'List[RouteInfo]': """Inspects the routes of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[RouteInfo]: A list of route descriptions for the application. """ router = app._router inspect_function = _supported_routers.get(type(router)) if inspect_function is None: raise TypeError( 'Unsupported router class {}. Use "register_router" ' 'to register a function that can inspect the router ' 'used by the provided application'.format(type(router)) ) return inspect_function(router)
[docs] def register_router(router_class): """Register a function to inspect a particular router. This decorator registers a new function for a custom router class, so that it can be inspected with the function :func:`.inspect_routes`. An inspection function takes the router instance used by the application and returns a list of :class:`.RouteInfo`. Eg:: @register_router(MyRouterClass) def inspect_my_router(router): return [RouteInfo('foo', 'bar', '/path/to/', [])] Args: router_class (Type): The router class to register. If already registered an error will be raised. """ def wraps(fn): if router_class in _supported_routers: raise ValueError( 'Another function is already registered for the router {}'.format( router_class ) ) _supported_routers[router_class] = fn return fn return wraps
# router inspection registry _supported_routers = {} # type: Dict[Type, Callable]
[docs] def inspect_static_routes(app: App) -> 'List[StaticRouteInfo]': """Inspects the static routes of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[StaticRouteInfo]: A list of static routes that have been added to the application. """ routes = [] for sr, _, _ in app._static_routes: info = StaticRouteInfo(sr._prefix, sr._directory, sr._fallback_filename) routes.append(info) return routes
[docs] def inspect_sinks(app: App) -> 'List[SinkInfo]': """Inspects the sinks of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[SinkInfo]: A list of sinks used by the application. """ sinks = [] for prefix, sink, _ in app._sinks: source_info, name = _get_source_info_and_name(sink) info = SinkInfo(prefix.pattern, name, source_info) sinks.append(info) return sinks
[docs] def inspect_error_handlers(app: App) -> 'List[ErrorHandlerInfo]': """Inspects the error handlers of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[ErrorHandlerInfo]: A list of error handlers used by the application. """ errors = [] for exc, fn in app._error_handlers.items(): source_info, name = _get_source_info_and_name(fn) info = ErrorHandlerInfo(exc.__name__, name, source_info, _is_internal(fn)) errors.append(info) return errors
[docs] def inspect_middleware(app: App) -> 'MiddlewareInfo': """Inspects the middleware components of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: MiddlewareInfo: Information about the app's middleware components. """ types_ = app_helpers.prepare_middleware(app._unprepared_middleware, True, app._ASGI) type_infos = [] for stack in types_: current = [] for method in stack: _, name = _get_source_info_and_name(method) cls = type(method.__self__) _, cls_name = _get_source_info_and_name(cls) current.append(MiddlewareTreeItemInfo(name, cls_name)) type_infos.append(current) middlewareTree = MiddlewareTreeInfo(*type_infos) middlewareClasses = [] names = 'Process request', 'Process resource', 'Process response' for m in app._unprepared_middleware: fns = app_helpers.prepare_middleware([m], True, app._ASGI) class_source_info, cls_name = _get_source_info_and_name(type(m)) methods = [] for method, name in zip(fns, names): if method: real_func = method[0] source_info = _get_source_info(real_func) methods.append(MiddlewareMethodInfo(real_func.__name__, source_info)) m_info = MiddlewareClassInfo(cls_name, class_source_info, methods) middlewareClasses.append(m_info) return MiddlewareInfo( middlewareTree, middlewareClasses, app._independent_middleware )
[docs] @register_router(CompiledRouter) def inspect_compiled_router(router: CompiledRouter) -> 'List[RouteInfo]': """Walk an instance of :class:`~.CompiledRouter` to return a list of defined routes. Default route inspector for CompiledRouter. Args: router (CompiledRouter): The router to inspect. Returns: List[RouteInfo]: A list of :class:`~.RouteInfo`. """ def _traverse(roots, parent): for root in roots: path = parent + '/' + root.raw_segment if root.resource is not None: methods = [] if root.method_map: for method, func in root.method_map.items(): if isinstance(func, partial): real_func = func.func else: real_func = func source_info = _get_source_info(real_func) internal = _is_internal(real_func) method_info = RouteMethodInfo( method, source_info, real_func.__name__, internal ) methods.append(method_info) source_info, class_name = _get_source_info_and_name(root.resource) route_info = RouteInfo(path, class_name, source_info, methods) routes.append(route_info) if root.children: _traverse(root.children, path) routes = [] # type: List[RouteInfo] _traverse(router._roots, '') return routes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Inspection classes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class _Traversable: __visit_name__ = 'N/A' def to_string(self, verbose=False, internal=False) -> str: """Return a string representation of this class. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Adds more information. Defaults to False. internal (bool, optional): Also include internal route methods and error handlers added by the framework. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: str: string representation of this class. """ return StringVisitor(verbose, internal).process(self) def __repr__(self): return self.to_string()
[docs] class RouteMethodInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a responder method. Args: method (str): The HTTP method of this responder. source_info (str): The source path of this function. function_name (str): Name of the function. internal (bool): Whether or not this was a default responder added by the framework. Attributes: suffix (str): The suffix of this route function. This is set to an empty string when the function has no suffix. """ __visit_name__ = 'route_method' def __init__( self, method: str, source_info: str, function_name: str, internal: bool ): self.method = method self.source_info = source_info self.function_name = function_name self.internal = internal # NOTE(CaselIT): internal falcon names do not start with 'on' # and do not have suffix if function_name.startswith('on'): self.suffix = '_'.join(function_name.split('_')[2:]) else: self.suffix = ''
[docs] class RouteInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a route. Args: path (str): The path of this route. class_name (str): The class name of the responder of this route. source_info (str): The source path where this responder was defined. methods (List[RouteMethodInfo]): List of methods defined in the route. """ __visit_name__ = 'route' def __init__( self, path: str, class_name: str, source_info: str, methods: List[RouteMethodInfo], ): self.path = path self.class_name = class_name self.source_info = source_info self.methods = methods
[docs] class StaticRouteInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a static route. Args: path (str): The prefix of the static route. directory (str): The directory for the static route. fallback_filename (str or None): Fallback filename to serve. """ __visit_name__ = 'static_route' def __init__(self, prefix: str, directory: str, fallback_filename: Optional[str]): self.prefix = prefix = directory self.fallback_filename = fallback_filename
[docs] class SinkInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a sink. Args: prefix (str): The prefix of the sink. name (str): The name of the sink function or class. source_info (str): The source path where this sink was defined. """ __visit_name__ = 'sink' def __init__(self, prefix: str, name: str, source_info: str): self.prefix = prefix = name self.source_info = source_info
[docs] class ErrorHandlerInfo(_Traversable): """Describes an error handler. Args: error (name): The name of the error type. name (str): The name of the handler. source_info (str): The source path where this error handler was defined. internal (bool): Whether or not this is a default error handler added by the framework. """ __visit_name__ = 'error_handler' def __init__(self, error: str, name: str, source_info: str, internal: bool): self.error = error = name self.source_info = source_info self.internal = internal
[docs] class MiddlewareMethodInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a middleware method. Args: function_name (str): Name of the method. source_info (str): The source path of the method. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_method' def __init__(self, function_name: str, source_info: str): self.function_name = function_name self.source_info = source_info self.internal = False # added for compatibility with RouteMethodInfo
[docs] class MiddlewareClassInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a middleware class. Args: name (str): The name of the middleware class. source_info (str): The source path where the middleware was defined. methods (List[MiddlewareMethodInfo]): List of method defined by the middleware class. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_class' def __init__( self, name: str, source_info: str, methods: List[MiddlewareMethodInfo] ): = name self.source_info = source_info self.methods = methods
[docs] class MiddlewareTreeItemInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a middleware tree entry. Args: name (str): The name of the method. class_name (str): The class name of the method. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_tree_item' _symbols = { 'process_request': '→', 'process_resource': '↣', 'process_response': '↢', } def __init__(self, name: str, class_name: str): = name self.class_name = class_name
[docs] class MiddlewareTreeInfo(_Traversable): """Describes the middleware methods used by the app. Args: request (List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo]): The `process_request` methods. resource (List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo]): The `process_resource` methods. response (List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo]): The `process_response` methods. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_tree' def __init__( self, request: List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo], resource: List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo], response: List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo], ): self.request = request self.resource = resource self.response = response
[docs] class MiddlewareInfo(_Traversable): """Describes the middleware of the app. Args: middlewareTree (MiddlewareTreeInfo): The middleware tree of the app. middlewareClasses (List[MiddlewareClassInfo]): The middleware classes of the app. independent (bool): Whether or not the middleware components are executed independently. Attributes: independent_text (str): Text created from the `independent` arg. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware' def __init__( self, middleware_tree: MiddlewareTreeInfo, middleware_classes: List[MiddlewareClassInfo], independent: bool, ): self.middleware_tree = middleware_tree self.middleware_classes = middleware_classes self.independent = independent if independent: self.independent_text = 'Middleware are independent' else: self.independent_text = 'Middleware are dependent'
[docs] class AppInfo(_Traversable): """Describes an application. Args: routes (List[RouteInfo]): The routes of the application. middleware (MiddlewareInfo): The middleware information in the application. static_routes (List[StaticRouteInfo]): The static routes of this application. sinks (List[SinkInfo]): The sinks of this application. error_handlers (List[ErrorHandlerInfo]): The error handlers of this application. asgi (bool): Whether or not this is an ASGI application. """ __visit_name__ = 'app' def __init__( self, routes: List[RouteInfo], middleware: MiddlewareInfo, static_routes: List[StaticRouteInfo], sinks: List[SinkInfo], error_handlers: List[ErrorHandlerInfo], asgi: bool, ): self.routes = routes self.middleware = middleware self.static_routes = static_routes self.sinks = sinks self.error_handlers = error_handlers self.asgi = asgi
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose=False, internal=False, name='') -> str: """Return a string representation of this class. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Adds more information. Defaults to False. internal (bool, optional): Also include internal falcon route methods and error handlers. Defaults to ``False``. name (str, optional): The name of the application, to be output at the beginning of the text. Defaults to ``'Falcon App'``. Returns: str: A string representation of the application. """ return StringVisitor(verbose, internal, name).process(self)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Visitor classes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class InspectVisitor: """Base visitor class that implements the `process` method. Subclasses must implement ``visit_<name>`` methods for each supported class. """
[docs] def process(self, instance: _Traversable): """Process the instance, by calling the appropriate visit method. Uses the `__visit_name__` attribute of the `instance` to obtain the method to use. Args: instance (_Traversable): The instance to process. """ try: return getattr(self, 'visit_{}'.format(instance.__visit_name__))(instance) except AttributeError as e: raise RuntimeError( 'This visitor does not support {}'.format(type(instance)) ) from e
[docs] class StringVisitor(InspectVisitor): """Visitor that returns a string representation of the info class. This is used automatically by calling ``to_string()`` on the info class. It can also be used directly by calling ``StringVisitor.process(info_instance)``. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Adds more information. Defaults to ``False``. internal (bool, optional): Also include internal route methods and error handlers added by the framework. Defaults to ``False``. name (str, optional): The name of the application, to be output at the beginning of the text. Defaults to ``'Falcon App'``. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False, internal=False, name=''): self.verbose = verbose self.internal = internal = name self.indent = 0 @property def tab(self): """Get the current tabulation.""" return ' ' * self.indent def visit_route_method(self, route_method: RouteMethodInfo) -> str: """Visit a RouteMethodInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0.method} - {0.function_name}'.format(route_method) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(route_method) return text def _methods_to_string(self, methods: List): """Return a string from the list of methods.""" tab = + ' ' * 3 methods = _filter_internal(methods, self.internal) if not methods: return '' text_list = [self.process(m) for m in methods] method_text = ['{}├── {}'.format(tab, m) for m in text_list[:-1]] method_text += ['{}└── {}'.format(tab, m) for m in text_list[-1:]] return '\n'.join(method_text) def visit_route(self, route: RouteInfo) -> str: """Visit a RouteInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.path} - {1.class_name}'.format(, route) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(route) method_text = self._methods_to_string(route.methods) if not method_text: return text return '{}:\n{}'.format(text, method_text) def visit_static_route(self, static_route: StaticRouteInfo) -> str: """Visit a StaticRouteInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.prefix} {}'.format(, static_route) if static_route.fallback_filename: text += ' [{0.fallback_filename}]'.format(static_route) return text def visit_sink(self, sink: SinkInfo) -> str: """Visit a SinkInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.prefix} {}'.format(, sink) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(sink) return text def visit_error_handler(self, error_handler: ErrorHandlerInfo) -> str: """Visit a ErrorHandlerInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.error} {}'.format(, error_handler) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(error_handler) return text def visit_middleware_method(self, middleware_method: MiddlewareMethodInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareMethodInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0.function_name}'.format(middleware_method) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(middleware_method) return text def visit_middleware_class(self, middleware_class: MiddlewareClassInfo) -> str: """Visit a ErrorHandlerInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{}'.format(, middleware_class) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(middleware_class) method_text = self._methods_to_string(middleware_class.methods) if not method_text: return text return '{}:\n{}'.format(text, method_text) def visit_middleware_tree_item(self, mti: MiddlewareTreeItemInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareTreeItemInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" symbol = mti._symbols.get(, '→') return '{0}{1} {2.class_name}.{}'.format(, symbol, mti) def visit_middleware_tree(self, m_tree: MiddlewareTreeInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareTreeInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" before = len(m_tree.request) + len(m_tree.resource) after = len(m_tree.response) if before + after == 0: return '' each = 2 initial = self.indent if after > before: self.indent += each * (after - before) text = [] for r in m_tree.request: text.append(self.process(r)) self.indent += each if text: text.append('') for r in m_tree.resource: text.append(self.process(r)) self.indent += each if m_tree.resource or not text: text.append('') self.indent += each text.append('{}├── Process route responder'.format( self.indent -= each if m_tree.response: text.append('') for r in m_tree.response: self.indent -= each text.append(self.process(r)) self.indent = initial return '\n'.join(text) def visit_middleware(self, middleware: MiddlewareInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = self.process(middleware.middleware_tree) if self.verbose: self.indent += 4 m_text = '\n'.join(self.process(m) for m in middleware.middleware_classes) self.indent -= 4 if m_text: text += '\n{}- Middleware classes:\n{}'.format(, m_text) return text def visit_app(self, app: AppInfo) -> str: """Visit a AppInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" type_ = 'ASGI' if app.asgi else 'WSGI' self.indent = 4 text = '{} ({})'.format( or 'Falcon App', type_) if app.routes: routes = '\n'.join(self.process(r) for r in app.routes) text += '\n• Routes:\n{}'.format(routes) middleware_text = self.process(app.middleware) if middleware_text: text += '\n• Middleware ({}):\n{}'.format( app.middleware.independent_text, middleware_text ) if app.static_routes: static_routes = '\n'.join(self.process(sr) for sr in app.static_routes) text += '\n• Static routes:\n{}'.format(static_routes) if app.sinks: sinks = '\n'.join(self.process(s) for s in app.sinks) text += '\n• Sinks:\n{}'.format(sinks) errors = _filter_internal(app.error_handlers, self.internal) if errors: errs = '\n'.join(self.process(e) for e in errors) text += '\n• Error handlers:\n{}'.format(errs) return text
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_source_info(obj, default='[unknown file]'): """Try to get the definition file and line of obj. Return default on error. """ try: source_file = inspect.getsourcefile(obj) source_lines = inspect.findsource(obj) source_info = '{}:{}'.format(source_file, source_lines[1]) except Exception: # NOTE(vytas): If Falcon is cythonized, all default # responders coming from cythonized modules will # appear as built-in functions, and raise a # TypeError when trying to locate the source file. source_info = default return source_info def _get_source_info_and_name(obj): """Attempt to get the definition file and line of obj and its name.""" source_info = _get_source_info(obj, None) if source_info is None: # NOTE(caselit): a class instances return None. Try the type source_info = _get_source_info(type(obj)) name = getattr(obj, '__name__', None) if name is None: name = getattr(type(obj), '__name__', '[unknown]') return source_info, name def _is_internal(obj): """Check if the module of the object is a falcon module.""" module = inspect.getmodule(obj) if module: return module.__name__.startswith('falcon.') return False def _filter_internal(iterable, return_internal): """Filter the internal elements of an iterable.""" if return_internal: return iterable return [el for el in iterable if not el.internal]