Source code for falcon.routing.util
# Copyright 2013 by Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Routing utilities."""
import re
from falcon import constants
from falcon import responders
from falcon.util.deprecation import deprecated
class SuffixedMethodNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
super(SuffixedMethodNotFoundError, self).__init__(message)
self.message = message
# NOTE(kgriffs): Published method; take care to avoid breaking changes.
@deprecated('This method will be removed in Falcon 4.0.')
def compile_uri_template(template):
"""Compile the given URI template string into a pattern matcher.
This function can be used to construct custom routing engines that
iterate through a list of possible routes, attempting to match
an incoming request against each route's compiled regular expression.
Each field is converted to a named group, so that when a match
is found, the fields can be easily extracted using
This function does not support the more flexible templating
syntax used in the default router. Only simple paths with bracketed
field expressions are recognized. For example::
If the template contains a trailing slash character, it will be
Note that this is **different** from :ref:`the default behavior
<trailing_slash_in_path>` of :func:`~falcon.App.add_route` used
with the default :class:`~falcon.routing.CompiledRouter`.
The :attr:`~falcon.RequestOptions.strip_url_path_trailing_slash`
request option is not considered by ``compile_uri_template()``.
template(str): The template to compile. Note that field names are
restricted to ASCII a-z, A-Z, and the underscore character.
tuple: (template_field_names, template_regex)
.. deprecated:: 3.1
if not isinstance(template, str):
raise TypeError('uri_template is not a string')
if not template.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError("uri_template must start with '/'")
if '//' in template:
raise ValueError("uri_template may not contain '//'")
if template != '/' and template.endswith('/'):
template = template[:-1]
# template names should be able to start with A-Za-z
# but also contain 0-9_ in the remaining portion
expression_pattern = r'{([a-zA-Z]\w*)}'
# Get a list of field names
fields = set(re.findall(expression_pattern, template))
# Convert Level 1 var patterns to equivalent named regex groups
escaped = re.sub(r'[\.\(\)\[\]\?\*\+\^\|]', r'\\\g<0>', template)
pattern = re.sub(expression_pattern, r'(?P<\1>[^/]+)', escaped)
pattern = r'\A' + pattern + r'\Z'
return fields, re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
def map_http_methods(resource, suffix=None):
"""Map HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST) to methods of a resource object.
resource: An object with *responder* methods, following the naming
convention *on_\\**, that correspond to each method the resource
supports. For example, if a resource supports GET and POST, it
should define ``on_get(self, req, resp)`` and
``on_post(self, req, resp)``.
Keyword Args:
suffix (str): Optional responder name suffix for this route. If
a suffix is provided, Falcon will map GET requests to
``on_get_{suffix}()``, POST requests to ``on_post_{suffix}()``,
dict: A mapping of HTTP methods to explicitly defined resource responders.
method_map = {}
for method in constants.COMBINED_METHODS:
responder_name = 'on_' + method.lower()
if suffix:
responder_name += '_' + suffix
responder = getattr(resource, responder_name)
except AttributeError:
# resource does not implement this method
# Usually expect a method, but any callable will do
if callable(responder):
method_map[method] = responder
# If suffix is specified and doesn't map to any methods, raise an error
if suffix and not method_map:
raise SuffixedMethodNotFoundError(
'No responders found for the specified suffix'
return method_map
def set_default_responders(method_map, asgi=False):
"""Map HTTP methods not explicitly defined on a resource to default responders.
method_map: A dict with HTTP methods mapped to responders explicitly
defined in a resource.
asgi (bool): ``True`` if using an ASGI app, ``False`` otherwise
(default ``False``).
# Attach a resource for unsupported HTTP methods
allowed_methods = [
m for m in sorted(list(method_map.keys())) if m not in constants._META_METHODS
if 'OPTIONS' not in method_map:
# OPTIONS itself is intentionally excluded from the Allow header
opt_responder = responders.create_default_options(allowed_methods, asgi=asgi)
method_map['OPTIONS'] = opt_responder
na_responder = responders.create_method_not_allowed(allowed_methods, asgi=asgi)
for method in constants.COMBINED_METHODS:
if method not in method_map:
method_map[method] = na_responder