from functools import partial
import json
from falcon import errors
from falcon import http_error
from import BaseHandler
from import TextBaseHandlerWS
class JSONHandler(BaseHandler):
"""JSON media handler.
This handler uses Python's standard :py:mod:`json` library by default, but
can be easily configured to use any of a number of third-party JSON
libraries, depending on your needs. For example, you can often
realize a significant performance boost under CPython by using an
alternative library. Good options in this respect include `orjson`,
`python-rapidjson`, and `mujson`.
This handler will raise a :class:`falcon.MediaNotFoundError` when attempting
to parse an empty body, or a :class:`falcon.MediaMalformedError`
if an error happens while parsing the body.
If you are deploying to PyPy, we recommend sticking with the standard
library's JSON implementation, since it will be faster in most cases
as compared to a third-party library.
.. rubric:: Custom JSON library
You can replace the default JSON handler by using a custom JSON library
(see also: :ref:`custom_media_handlers`). Overriding the default JSON
implementation is simply a matter of specifying the desired ``dumps`` and
``loads`` functions::
import falcon
from falcon import media
import rapidjson
json_handler = media.JSONHandler(
extra_handlers = {
'application/json': json_handler,
app = falcon.App()
.. rubric:: Custom serialization parameters
Even if you decide to stick with the stdlib's :any:`json.dumps` and
:any:`json.loads`, you can wrap them using :any:`functools.partial` to
provide custom serialization or deserialization parameters supported by the
``dumps`` and ``loads`` functions, respectively
(see also: :ref:`prettifying-json-responses`)::
import falcon
from falcon import media
from functools import partial
json_handler = media.JSONHandler(
extra_handlers = {
'application/json': json_handler,
app = falcon.App()
By default, ``ensure_ascii`` is passed to the ``json.dumps`` function.
If you override the ``dumps`` function, you will need to explicitly set
``ensure_ascii`` to ``False`` in order to enable the serialization of
Unicode characters to UTF-8. This is easily done by using
:any:`functools.partial` to apply the desired keyword argument. As also
demonstrated in the previous paragraph, you can use this same technique to
customize any option supported by the ``dumps`` and ``loads`` functions::
from functools import partial
from falcon import media
import rapidjson
json_handler = media.JSONHandler(
ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True
.. _custom-media-json-encoder:
.. rubric:: Custom JSON encoder
You can also override the default :class:`~json.JSONEncoder` by using a
custom Encoder and updating the media handlers for ``application/json``
type to use that::
import json
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
import falcon
from falcon import media
class DatetimeEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
\"\"\"Json Encoder that supports datetime objects.\"\"\"
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime):
return obj.isoformat()
return super().default(obj)
app = falcon.App()
json_handler = media.JSONHandler(
dumps=partial(json.dumps, cls=DatetimeEncoder),
extra_handlers = {
'application/json': json_handler,
Keyword Arguments:
dumps (func): Function to use when serializing JSON responses.
loads (func): Function to use when deserializing JSON requests.
def __init__(self, dumps=None, loads=None):
self._dumps = dumps or partial(json.dumps, ensure_ascii=False)
self._loads = loads or json.loads
# PERF(kgriffs): Test dumps once up front so we can set the
# proper serialize implementation.
result = self._dumps({'message': 'Hello World'})
if isinstance(result, str):
self.serialize = self._serialize_s
self.serialize_async = self._serialize_async_s
self.serialize = self._serialize_b
self.serialize_async = self._serialize_async_b
# NOTE(kgriffs): To be safe, only enable the optimized protocol when
# not subclassed.
if type(self) is JSONHandler:
self._serialize_sync = self.serialize
self._deserialize_sync = self._deserialize
def _deserialize(self, data):
if not data:
raise errors.MediaNotFoundError('JSON')
return self._loads(data.decode())
except ValueError as err:
raise errors.MediaMalformedError('JSON') from err
def deserialize(self, stream, content_type, content_length):
return self._deserialize(
async def deserialize_async(self, stream, content_type, content_length):
return self._deserialize(await
# NOTE(kgriffs): Make content_type a kwarg to support the
# Request.render_body() shortcut optimization.
def _serialize_s(self, media, content_type=None) -> bytes:
return self._dumps(media).encode()
async def _serialize_async_s(self, media, content_type) -> bytes:
return self._dumps(media).encode()
# NOTE(kgriffs): Make content_type a kwarg to support the
# Request.render_body() shortcut optimization.
def _serialize_b(self, media, content_type=None) -> bytes:
return self._dumps(media)
async def _serialize_async_b(self, media, content_type) -> bytes:
return self._dumps(media)
class JSONHandlerWS(TextBaseHandlerWS):
"""WebSocket media handler for de(serializing) JSON to/from TEXT payloads.
This handler uses Python's standard :py:mod:`json` library by default, but
can be easily configured to use any of a number of third-party JSON
libraries, depending on your needs. For example, you can often
realize a significant performance boost under CPython by using an
alternative library. Good options in this respect include `orjson`,
`python-rapidjson`, and `mujson`.
If you are deploying to PyPy, we recommend sticking with the standard
library's JSON implementation, since it will be faster in most cases
as compared to a third-party library.
Overriding the default JSON implementation is simply a matter of specifying
the desired ``dumps`` and ``loads`` functions::
import falcon
from falcon import media
import rapidjson
json_handler = media.JSONHandlerWS(
app = falcon.asgi.App()
app.ws_options.media_handlers[falcon.WebSocketPayloadType.TEXT] = json_handler
By default, ``ensure_ascii`` is passed to the ``json.dumps`` function.
If you override the ``dumps`` function, you will need to explicitly set
``ensure_ascii`` to ``False`` in order to enable the serialization of
Unicode characters to UTF-8. This is easily done by using
:any:`functools.partial` to apply the desired keyword argument. In fact, you
can use this same technique to customize any option supported by the
``dumps`` and ``loads`` functions::
from functools import partial
from falcon import media
import rapidjson
json_handler = media.JSONHandlerWS(
ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True
Keyword Arguments:
dumps (func): Function to use when serializing JSON.
loads (func): Function to use when deserializing JSON.
__slots__ = ['dumps', 'loads']
def __init__(self, dumps=None, loads=None):
self._dumps = dumps or partial(json.dumps, ensure_ascii=False)
self._loads = loads or json.loads
def serialize(self, media: object) -> str:
return self._dumps(media)
def deserialize(self, payload: str) -> object:
return self._loads(payload)
http_error._DEFAULT_JSON_HANDLER = _DEFAULT_JSON_HANDLER = JSONHandler() # type: ignore