Source code for falcon.testing.test_case

# Copyright 2016 by Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""unittest-style base class and utilities for test cases.

This package includes a unittest-style base class and requests-like
utilities for simulating and validating HTTP requests.

    import testtools as unittest
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    import unittest  # type: ignore

import falcon
import falcon.request
# TODO hoist for backwards compat. Remove in falcon 4.
from falcon.testing.client import Result  # NOQA
from falcon.testing.client import TestClient

[docs]class TestCase(unittest.TestCase, TestClient): """Extends :py:mod:`unittest` to support WSGI/ASGI functional testing. Note: If available, uses :py:mod:`testtools` in lieu of :py:mod:`unittest`. This base class provides some extra plumbing for unittest-style test cases, to help simulate WSGI or ASGI requests without having to spin up an actual web server. Various simulation methods are derived from :py:class:`falcon.testing.TestClient`. Simply inherit from this class in your test case classes instead of :py:class:`unittest.TestCase` or :py:class:`testtools.TestCase`. Attributes: app (object): A WSGI or ASGI application to target when simulating requests (defaults to ``falcon.App()``). When testing your application, you will need to set this to your own instance of :class:`falcon.App` or :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. For example:: from falcon import testing import myapp class MyTestCase(testing.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(MyTestCase, self).setUp() # Assume the hypothetical `myapp` package has a # function called `create()` to initialize and # return a `falcon.App` instance. = myapp.create() class TestMyApp(MyTestCase): def test_get_message(self): doc = {'message': 'Hello world!'} result = self.simulate_get('/messages/42') self.assertEqual(result.json, doc) """
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestCase, self).setUp() app = falcon.App() # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't use super() to avoid triggering # unittest.TestCase.__init__() TestClient.__init__(self, app)