Source code for falcon.testing.client

# Copyright 2016 by Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""WSGI test client utilities.

This package includes utilities for simulating HTTP requests against a
WSGI callable, without having to stand up a WSGI server.

import asyncio
import datetime as dt
import inspect
import json as json_module
import time
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Union
import warnings
import wsgiref.validate

from falcon.asgi_spec import ScopeType
from falcon.constants import COMBINED_METHODS
from falcon.constants import MEDIA_JSON
from falcon.errors import CompatibilityError
from falcon.testing import helpers
from falcon.testing.srmock import StartResponseMock
from falcon.util import async_to_sync
from falcon.util import CaseInsensitiveDict
from falcon.util import code_to_http_status
from falcon.util import create_task
from falcon.util import get_running_loop
from falcon.util import http_cookies
from falcon.util import http_date_to_dt
from falcon.util import to_query_str

        'Unknown REQUEST_METHOD: ' +

class _ResultBase:
    """Base class for the result of a simulated request.

        status (str): An HTTP status string, including status code and
            reason string
        headers (list): A list of (header_name, header_value) tuples,
            per PEP-3333

        status (str): HTTP status string given in the response
        status_code (int): The code portion of the HTTP status string
        headers (CaseInsensitiveDict): A case-insensitive dictionary
            containing all the headers in the response, except for
            cookies, which may be accessed via the `cookies`


                Multiple instances of a header in the response are
                currently not supported; it is unspecified which value
                will "win" and be represented in `headers`.

        cookies (dict): A dictionary of
            :py:class:`falcon.testing.Cookie` values parsed from the
            response, by name.

            The cookies dictionary can be used directly in subsequent requests::

                client = testing.TestClient(app)
                response_one = client.simulate_get('/')
                response_two = client.simulate_post('/', cookies=response_one.cookies)

        encoding (str): Text encoding of the response body, or ``None``
            if the encoding can not be determined.

    def __init__(self, status, headers):
        self._status = status
        self._status_code = int(status[:3])
        self._headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(headers)

        cookies = http_cookies.SimpleCookie()
        for name, value in headers:
            if name.lower() == 'set-cookie':

        self._cookies = dict(
            (morsel.key, Cookie(morsel))
            for morsel in cookies.values()

        self._encoding = helpers.get_encoding_from_headers(self._headers)

    def status(self) -> str:
        return self._status

    def status_code(self) -> int:
        return self._status_code

    def headers(self) -> CaseInsensitiveDict:
        # NOTE(kgriffs): It would probably be better to annotate this with
        #   a generic Mapping[str, str] type, but currently there is an
        #   incompatibility with Cython that prevents us from modifying
        #   CaseInsensitiveDict to inherit from a generic MutableMapping
        #   type. This might be resolved in the future by moving
        #   the CaseInsensitiveDict implementation to the falcon.testing
        #   module so that it is no longer cythonized.
        return self._headers

    def cookies(self) -> Dict[str, Cookie]:
        return self._cookies

    def encoding(self) -> str:
        return self._encoding

[docs]class ResultBodyStream: """Simple forward-only reader for a streamed test result body. Args: chunks (list): Reference to a list of body chunks that may continue to be appended to as more body events are collected. """ def __init__(self, chunks: Sequence[bytes]): self._chunks = chunks self._chunk_pos = 0
[docs] async def read(self) -> bytes: """Read any data that has been collected since the last call. Returns: bytes: data that has been collected since the last call, or an empty byte string if no additional data is available. """ # NOTE(kgriffs): Yield to other tasks to give them a chance to # send us more body chunks if any are available. # # # await asyncio.sleep(0) if self._chunk_pos >= len(self._chunks): return b'' data = b''.join(self._chunks[self._chunk_pos:]) self._chunk_pos = len(self._chunks) return data
[docs]class Result(_ResultBase): """Encapsulates the result of a simulated request. Args: iterable (iterable): An iterable that yields zero or more bytestrings, per PEP-3333 status (str): An HTTP status string, including status code and reason string headers (list): A list of (header_name, header_value) tuples, per PEP-3333 Attributes: status (str): HTTP status string given in the response status_code (int): The code portion of the HTTP status string headers (CaseInsensitiveDict): A case-insensitive dictionary containing all the headers in the response, except for cookies, which may be accessed via the `cookies` attribute. Note: Multiple instances of a header in the response are currently not supported; it is unspecified which value will "win" and be represented in `headers`. cookies (dict): A dictionary of :py:class:`falcon.testing.Cookie` values parsed from the response, by name. encoding (str): Text encoding of the response body, or ``None`` if the encoding can not be determined. content (bytes): Raw response body, or ``bytes`` if the response body was empty. text (str): Decoded response body of type ``str``. If the content type does not specify an encoding, UTF-8 is assumed. json (JSON serializable): Deserialized JSON body. Will be ``None`` if the body has no content to deserialize. Otherwise, raises an error if the response is not valid JSON. """ def __init__(self, iterable, status, headers): super().__init__(status, headers) self._text = None self._content = b''.join(iterable) @property def content(self) -> bytes: return self._content @property def text(self) -> str: if self._text is None: if not self.content: self._text = '' else: if self.encoding is None: encoding = 'UTF-8' else: encoding = self.encoding self._text = self.content.decode(encoding) return self._text @property def json(self) -> Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]]: if not self.text: return None return json_module.loads(self.text)
[docs]class StreamedResult(_ResultBase): """Encapsulates the streamed result of an ASGI request. Args: body_chunks (list): A list of body chunks. This list may be appended to after a result object has been instantiated. status (str): An HTTP status string, including status code and reason string headers (list): A list of (header_name, header_value) tuples, per PEP-3333 task (asyncio.Task): The scheduled simulated request which may or may not have already finished. :meth:`~.finalize` will await the task before returning. req_event_emitter (~falcon.testing.ASGIRequestEventEmitter): A reference to the event emitter used to simulate events sent to the ASGI application via its receive() method. :meth:`~.finalize` will cause the event emitter to simulate an ``'http.disconnect'`` event before returning. Attributes: status (str): HTTP status string given in the response status_code (int): The code portion of the HTTP status string headers (CaseInsensitiveDict): A case-insensitive dictionary containing all the headers in the response, except for cookies, which may be accessed via the `cookies` attribute. Note: Multiple instances of a header in the response are currently not supported; it is unspecified which value will "win" and be represented in `headers`. cookies (dict): A dictionary of :py:class:`falcon.testing.Cookie` values parsed from the response, by name. encoding (str): Text encoding of the response body, or ``None`` if the encoding can not be determined. stream (ResultStream): Raw response body, as a byte stream. """ def __init__(self, body_chunks, status, headers, task, req_event_emitter): super().__init__(status, headers) self._task = task self._stream = ResultBodyStream(body_chunks) self._req_event_emitter = req_event_emitter @property def stream(self) -> ResultBodyStream: return self._stream
[docs] async def finalize(self): """Finalize the encapsulated simulated request. This method causes the request event emitter to begin emitting ``'http.disconnect'`` events and then awaits the completion of the asyncio task that is running the simulated ASGI request. """ self._req_event_emitter.disconnect() await self._task
# NOTE(kgriffs): The default of asgi_disconnect_ttl was chosen to be # relatively long (5 minutes) to help testers notice when something # appears to be "hanging", which might indicates that the app is # not handling the reception of events correctly.
[docs]def simulate_request(app, method='GET', path='/', query_string=None, headers=None, content_type=None, body=None, json=None, file_wrapper=None, wsgierrors=None, params=None, params_csv=False, protocol='http', host=helpers.DEFAULT_HOST, remote_addr=None, extras=None, http_version='1.1', port=None, root_path=None, cookies=None, asgi_chunk_size=4096, asgi_disconnect_ttl=300) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Performs a request against a WSGI or ASGI application. In the case of WSGI, uses :any:`wsgiref.validate` to ensure the response is valid. Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Keyword Args: app (callable): The WSGI or ASGI application to call method (str): An HTTP method to use in the request (default: 'GET') path (str): The URL path to request (default: '/'). Note: The path may contain a query string. However, neither `query_string` nor `params` may be specified in this case. root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. content_type (str): The value to use for the Content-Type header in the request. If specified, this value will take precedence over any value set for the Content-Type header in the `headers` keyword argument. The ``falcon`` module provides a number of :ref:`constants for common media types <media_type_constants>`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' body (str): The body of the request (default ''). The value will be encoded as UTF-8 in the WSGI environ. Alternatively, a byte string may be passed, in which case it will be used as-is. json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `body` and sets the Content-Type header to ``'application/json'``, overriding any value specified by either the `content_type` or `headers` arguments. file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable, to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the WSGI environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test high-performance file transmission when `` is set to a file-like object. host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ if _is_asgi_app(app): return async_to_sync( _simulate_request_asgi, app, method=method, path=path, query_string=query_string, headers=headers, content_type=content_type, body=body, json=json, params=params, params_csv=params_csv, protocol=protocol, host=host, remote_addr=remote_addr, extras=extras, http_version=http_version, port=port, root_path=root_path, asgi_chunk_size=asgi_chunk_size, asgi_disconnect_ttl=asgi_disconnect_ttl, cookies=cookies ) path, query_string, headers, body, extras = _prepare_sim_args( path, query_string, params, params_csv, content_type, headers, body, json, extras) env = helpers.create_environ( method=method, scheme=protocol, path=path, query_string=(query_string or ''), headers=headers, body=body, file_wrapper=file_wrapper, host=host, remote_addr=remote_addr, wsgierrors=wsgierrors, http_version=http_version, port=port, root_path=root_path, cookies=cookies, ) if 'REQUEST_METHOD' in extras and extras['REQUEST_METHOD'] != method: # NOTE(vytas): Even given the duct tape nature of overriding # arbitrary environ variables, changing the method can potentially # be very confusing, particularly when using specialized # simulate_get/post/patch etc methods. raise ValueError( 'WSGI environ extras may not override the request method. ' 'Please use the method parameter.' ) env.update(extras) srmock = StartResponseMock() validator = wsgiref.validate.validator(app) iterable = validator(env, srmock) return Result(helpers.closed_wsgi_iterable(iterable), srmock.status, srmock.headers)
# NOTE(kgriffs): The default of asgi_disconnect_ttl was chosen to be # relatively long (5 minutes) to help testers notice when something # appears to be "hanging", which might indicates that the app is # not handling the reception of events correctly. async def _simulate_request_asgi( app, method='GET', path='/', query_string=None, headers=None, content_type=None, body=None, json=None, params=None, params_csv=True, protocol='http', host=helpers.DEFAULT_HOST, remote_addr=None, extras=None, http_version='1.1', port=None, root_path=None, asgi_chunk_size=4096, asgi_disconnect_ttl=300, cookies=None, # NOTE(kgriffs): These are undocumented because they are only # meant to be used internally by the framework (i.e., they are # not part of the public interface.) In case we ever expose # simulate_request_asgi() as part of the public interface, we # don't want these kwargs to be documented. _one_shot=True, _stream_result=False, ) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a request to an ASGI application. Keyword Args: app (callable): The WSGI or ASGI application to call method (str): An HTTP method to use in the request (default: 'GET') path (str): The URL path to request (default: '/'). Note: The path may contain a query string. However, neither `query_string` nor `params` may be specified in this case. root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``False`` to encode list values in query string params by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Defaults to ``True``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. content_type (str): The value to use for the Content-Type header in the request. If specified, this value will take precedence over any value set for the Content-Type header in the `headers` keyword argument. The ``falcon`` module provides a number of :ref:`constants for common media types <media_type_constants>`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' body (str): The body of the request (default ''). The value will be encoded as UTF-8 in the WSGI environ. Alternatively, a byte string may be passed, in which case it will be used as-is. json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `body` and sets the Content-Type header to ``'application/json'``, overriding any value specified by either the `content_type` or `headers` arguments. host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ path, query_string, headers, body, extras = _prepare_sim_args( path, query_string, params, params_csv, content_type, headers, body, json, extras) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE(kgriffs): 'http' scope # --------------------------------------------------------------------- content_length = None if body is not None: if isinstance(body, str): body = body.encode() content_length = len(body) http_scope = helpers.create_scope( path=path, query_string=query_string, method=method, headers=headers, host=host, scheme=protocol, port=port, http_version=http_version, remote_addr=remote_addr, root_path=root_path, content_length=content_length, cookies=cookies, ) if 'method' in extras and extras['method'] != method.upper(): raise ValueError( 'ASGI scope extras may not override the request method. ' 'Please use the method parameter.' ) http_scope.update(extras) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if asgi_disconnect_ttl == 0: # Special case disconnect_at = 0 else: disconnect_at = time.time() + max(0, asgi_disconnect_ttl) req_event_emitter = helpers.ASGIRequestEventEmitter( (body or b''), chunk_size=asgi_chunk_size, disconnect_at=disconnect_at, ) resp_event_collector = helpers.ASGIResponseEventCollector() if not _one_shot: task_req = create_task(app(http_scope, req_event_emitter, resp_event_collector)) if _stream_result: # NOTE(kgriffs): Wait until the response has been started and give # the task a chance to progress. Otherwise, we won't have a # status or headers to pass to StreamedResult. while not resp_event_collector.status: await asyncio.sleep(0) return StreamedResult(resp_event_collector.body_chunks, code_to_http_status(resp_event_collector.status), resp_event_collector.headers, task_req, req_event_emitter) req_event_emitter.disconnect() await task_req return Result(resp_event_collector.body_chunks, code_to_http_status(resp_event_collector.status), resp_event_collector.headers) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE(kgriffs): 'lifespan' scope # --------------------------------------------------------------------- lifespan_scope = { 'type': ScopeType.LIFESPAN, 'asgi': { 'version': '3.0', 'spec_version': '2.0', }, } shutting_down = asyncio.Condition() lifespan_event_emitter = helpers.ASGILifespanEventEmitter(shutting_down) lifespan_event_collector = helpers.ASGIResponseEventCollector() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- async def conductor(): # NOTE(kgriffs): We assume this is a Falcon ASGI app, which supports # the lifespan protocol and thus we do not need to catch # exceptions that would signify no lifespan protocol support. task_lifespan = get_running_loop().create_task( app(lifespan_scope, lifespan_event_emitter, lifespan_event_collector) ) await _wait_for_startup( task_req = create_task(app(http_scope, req_event_emitter, resp_event_collector)) req_event_emitter.disconnect() await task_req # NOTE(kgriffs): Notify lifespan_event_emitter that it is OK # to proceed. async with shutting_down: shutting_down.notify() await _wait_for_shutdown( await task_lifespan await conductor() if resp_event_collector.status is None: # NOTE(kgriffs): An immediate disconnect was simulated, and so # the app could not return a status. raise ConnectionError('An immediate disconnect was simulated.') return Result(resp_event_collector.body_chunks, code_to_http_status(resp_event_collector.status), resp_event_collector.headers)
[docs]class ASGIConductor: """Test conductor for ASGI apps. This class provides more control over the lifecycle of a simulated request as compared to :class:`~.TestClient`. In addition, the conductor's asynchronous interface affords interleaved requests and the testing of streaming protocols such as :attr:`Server-Sent Events (SSE) <falcon.asgi.Response.sse>` and :ref:`WebSocket <ws>`. :class:`~.ASGIConductor` is implemented as a context manager. Upon entering and exiting the context, the appropriate ASGI lifespan events will be simulated. Within the context, HTTP requests can be simulated using an interface that is similar to :class:`~.TestClient`, except that all ``simulate_*()`` methods are coroutines:: async with testing.ASGIConductor(some_app) as conductor: async def post_events(): for i in range(100): await conductor.simulate_post('/events', json={'id': i}): await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async def get_events_sse(): # Here, we will get only some of the single server-sent events # because the non-streaming method is "single-shot". In other # words, simulate_get() will emit a client disconnect event # into the app before returning. result = await conductor.simulate_get('/events') # Alternatively, we can use simulate_get_stream() as a context # manager to perform a series of reads on the result body that # are interleaved with the execution of the post_events() # coroutine. async with conductor.simulate_get_stream('/events') as sr: while some_condition: # Read next body chunk that was received (if any). chunk = await if chunk: # TODO: Do something with the chunk pass # Exiting the context causes the request event emitter to # begin emitting ``'http.disconnect'`` events and then awaits # the completion of the asyncio task that is running the # simulated ASGI request. asyncio.gather(post_events(), get_events_sse()) Note: Because the :class:`~.ASGIConductor` interface uses coroutines, it cannot be used directly with synchronous testing frameworks such as pytest. As a workaround, the test can be adapted by wrapping it in an inline async function and then invoking it via :meth:`falcon.async_to_sync` or decorating the test function with :meth:`falcon.runs_sync`. Alternatively, you can try searching PyPI to see if an async plugin is available for your testing framework of choice. For example, the ``pytest-asyncio`` plugin is available for ``pytest`` users. Args: app (callable): An ASGI application to target when simulating requests. Keyword Arguments: headers (dict): Default headers to set on every request (default ``None``). These defaults may be overridden by passing values for the same headers to one of the ``simulate_*()`` methods. Attributes: app: The app that this client instance was configured to use. """ def __init__(self, app, headers=None): if not _is_asgi_app(app): raise CompatibilityError('ASGIConductor may only be used with an ASGI app') = app self._default_headers = headers self._shutting_down = asyncio.Condition() self._lifespan_event_collector = helpers.ASGIResponseEventCollector() self._lifespan_task = None async def __aenter__(self): lifespan_scope = { 'type': ScopeType.LIFESPAN, 'asgi': { 'version': '3.0', 'spec_version': '2.0', }, } lifespan_event_emitter = helpers.ASGILifespanEventEmitter(self._shutting_down) # NOTE(kgriffs): We assume this is a Falcon ASGI app, which supports # the lifespan protocol and thus we do not need to catch # exceptions that would signify no lifespan protocol support. self._lifespan_task = get_running_loop().create_task(, lifespan_event_emitter, self._lifespan_event_collector) ) await _wait_for_startup( return self async def __aexit__(self, ex_type, ex, tb): if ex_type: return False # NOTE(kgriffs): Notify lifespan_event_emitter that it is OK # to proceed. async with self._shutting_down: self._shutting_down.notify() await _wait_for_shutdown( await self._lifespan_task return True
[docs] async def simulate_get(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a GET request to an ASGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_get`) """ return await self.simulate_request('GET', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_get_stream(self, path='/', **kwargs): """Simulate a GET request to an ASGI application with a streamed response. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_get` for a list of supported keyword arguments.) This method returns an async context manager that can be used to obtain a managed :class:`~.StreamedResult` instance. Exiting the context will automatically finalize the result object, causing the request event emitter to begin emitting ``'http.disconnect'`` events and then await the completion of the task that is running the simulated ASGI request. In the following example, a series of streamed body chunks are read from the response:: async with conductor.simulate_get_stream('/events') as sr: while some_condition: # Read next body chunk that was received (if any). chunk = await if chunk: # TODO: Do something with the chunk. For example, # a series of server-sent events could be validated # by concatenating the chunks and splitting on # double-newlines to obtain individual events. pass """ kwargs['_stream_result'] = True return _AsyncContextManager(self.simulate_request('GET', path, **kwargs))
[docs] def simulate_ws(self, path='/', **kwargs): """Simulate a WebSocket connection to an ASGI application. All keyword arguments are passed through to :py:meth:`falcon.testing.create_scope_ws`. This method returns an async context manager that can be used to obtain a managed :class:`falcon.testing.ASGIWebSocketSimulator` instance. Exiting the context will simulate a close on the WebSocket (if not already closed) and await the completion of the task that is running the simulated ASGI request. In the following example, a series of WebSocket TEXT events are received from the ASGI app:: async with conductor.simulate_ws('/events') as ws: while some_condition: message = await ws.receive_text() """ scope = helpers.create_scope_ws(path=path, **kwargs) ws = helpers.ASGIWebSocketSimulator() task_req = create_task(, ws._emit, ws._collect)) return _WSContextManager(ws, task_req)
[docs] async def simulate_head(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a HEAD request to an ASGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_head`) """ return await self.simulate_request('HEAD', path, **kwargs)
[docs] async def simulate_post(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a POST request to an ASGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_post`) """ return await self.simulate_request('POST', path, **kwargs)
[docs] async def simulate_put(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a PUT request to an ASGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_put`) """ return await self.simulate_request('PUT', path, **kwargs)
[docs] async def simulate_options(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate an OPTIONS request to an ASGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_options`) """ return await self.simulate_request('OPTIONS', path, **kwargs)
[docs] async def simulate_patch(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a PATCH request to an ASGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_patch`) """ return await self.simulate_request('PATCH', path, **kwargs)
[docs] async def simulate_delete(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a DELETE request to an ASGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_delete`) """ return await self.simulate_request('DELETE', path, **kwargs)
[docs] async def simulate_request(self, *args, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a request to an ASGI application. Wraps :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_request` to perform a WSGI request directly against ````. Equivalent to:: falcon.testing.simulate_request(, *args, **kwargs) """ if self._default_headers: # NOTE(kgriffs): Handle the case in which headers is explicitly # set to None. additional_headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) or {} merged_headers = self._default_headers.copy() merged_headers.update(additional_headers) kwargs['headers'] = merged_headers # NOTE(kgriffs): The conductor takes care of startup/shutdown kwargs['_one_shot'] = False return await _simulate_request_asgi(, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def simulate_get(app, path, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a GET request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Equivalent to:: simulate_request(app, 'GET', path, **kwargs) Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Args: app (callable): The application to call path (str): The URL path to request Note: The path may contain a query string. However, neither `query_string` nor `params` may be specified in this case. Keyword Args: root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable, to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the WSGI environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test high-performance file transmission when `` is set to a file-like object. host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). Set to ``0`` to simulate an immediate disconnection without first emitting ``'http.request'``. extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ return simulate_request(app, 'GET', path, **kwargs)
[docs]def simulate_head(app, path, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a HEAD request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Equivalent to:: simulate_request(app, 'HEAD', path, **kwargs) Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Args: app (callable): The application to call path (str): The URL path to request Note: The path may contain a query string. However, neither `query_string` nor `params` may be specified in this case. Keyword Args: root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). Set to ``0`` to simulate an immediate disconnection without first emitting ``'http.request'``. extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ return simulate_request(app, 'HEAD', path, **kwargs)
[docs]def simulate_post(app, path, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a POST request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Equivalent to:: simulate_request(app, 'POST', path, **kwargs) Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Args: app (callable): The application to call path (str): The URL path to request Keyword Args: root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. content_type (str): The value to use for the Content-Type header in the request. If specified, this value will take precedence over any value set for the Content-Type header in the `headers` keyword argument. The ``falcon`` module provides a number of :ref:`constants for common media types <media_type_constants>`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' body (str): The body of the request (default ''). The value will be encoded as UTF-8 in the WSGI environ. Alternatively, a byte string may be passed, in which case it will be used as-is. json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `body` and sets the Content-Type header to ``'application/json'``, overriding any value specified by either the `content_type` or `headers` arguments. file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable, to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the WSGI environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test high-performance file transmission when `` is set to a file-like object. host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). Set to ``0`` to simulate an immediate disconnection without first emitting ``'http.request'``. extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ return simulate_request(app, 'POST', path, **kwargs)
[docs]def simulate_put(app, path, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a PUT request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Equivalent to:: simulate_request(app, 'PUT', path, **kwargs) Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Args: app (callable): The application to call path (str): The URL path to request Keyword Args: root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. content_type (str): The value to use for the Content-Type header in the request. If specified, this value will take precedence over any value set for the Content-Type header in the `headers` keyword argument. The ``falcon`` module provides a number of :ref:`constants for common media types <media_type_constants>`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' body (str): The body of the request (default ''). The value will be encoded as UTF-8 in the WSGI environ. Alternatively, a byte string may be passed, in which case it will be used as-is. json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `body` and sets the Content-Type header to ``'application/json'``, overriding any value specified by either the `content_type` or `headers` arguments. file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable, to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the WSGI environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test high-performance file transmission when `` is set to a file-like object. host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). Set to ``0`` to simulate an immediate disconnection without first emitting ``'http.request'``. extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ return simulate_request(app, 'PUT', path, **kwargs)
[docs]def simulate_options(app, path, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate an OPTIONS request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Equivalent to:: simulate_request(app, 'OPTIONS', path, **kwargs) Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Args: app (callable): The application to call path (str): The URL path to request Keyword Args: root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). Set to ``0`` to simulate an immediate disconnection without first emitting ``'http.request'``. extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ return simulate_request(app, 'OPTIONS', path, **kwargs)
[docs]def simulate_patch(app, path, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a PATCH request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Equivalent to:: simulate_request(app, 'PATCH', path, **kwargs) Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Args: app (callable): The application to call path (str): The URL path to request Keyword Args: root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. content_type (str): The value to use for the Content-Type header in the request. If specified, this value will take precedence over any value set for the Content-Type header in the `headers` keyword argument. The ``falcon`` module provides a number of :ref:`constants for common media types <media_type_constants>`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' body (str): The body of the request (default ''). The value will be encoded as UTF-8 in the WSGI environ. Alternatively, a byte string may be passed, in which case it will be used as-is. json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `body` and sets the Content-Type header to ``'application/json'``, overriding any value specified by either the `content_type` or `headers` arguments. host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). Set to ``0`` to simulate an immediate disconnection without first emitting ``'http.request'``. extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ return simulate_request(app, 'PATCH', path, **kwargs)
[docs]def simulate_delete(app, path, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a DELETE request to a WSGI or ASGI application. Equivalent to:: simulate_request(app, 'DELETE', path, **kwargs) Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this method will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. Args: app (callable): The application to call path (str): The URL path to request Keyword Args: root_path (str): The initial portion of the request URL's "path" that corresponds to the application object, so that the application knows its virtual "location". This defaults to the empty string, indicating that the application corresponds to the "root" of the server. protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme (default: 'http') port (int): The TCP port to simulate. Defaults to the standard port used by the given scheme (i.e., 80 for 'http' and 443 for 'https'). A string may also be passed, as long as it can be parsed as an int. params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). params_csv (bool): Set to ``True`` to encode list values in query string params as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Defaults to ``False``. query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `params`. content_type (str): The value to use for the Content-Type header in the request. If specified, this value will take precedence over any value set for the Content-Type header in the `headers` keyword argument. The ``falcon`` module provides a number of :ref:`constants for common media types <media_type_constants>`. headers (dict): Extra headers as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of strings provides the name and value for an HTTP header. If desired, multiple header values may be combined into a single (*name*, *value*) pair by joining the values with a comma when the header in question supports the list format (see also RFC 7230 and RFC 7231). Header names are not case-sensitive. Note: If a User-Agent header is not provided, it will default to:: f'falcon-client/{falcon.__version__}' body (str): The body of the request (default ''). The value will be encoded as UTF-8 in the WSGI environ. Alternatively, a byte string may be passed, in which case it will be used as-is. json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides `body` and sets the Content-Type header to ``'application/json'``, overriding any value specified by either the `content_type` or `headers` arguments. host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully qualified request URL (default: '') remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the request (default: ''). For WSGI, this corresponds to the 'REMOTE_ADDR' environ variable. For ASGI, this corresponds to the IP address used for the 'client' field in the connection scope. http_version (str): The HTTP version to simulate. Must be either '2', '2.0', 1.1', '1.0', or '1' (default '1.1'). If set to '1.0', the Host header will not be added to the scope. wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors* in the WSGI environ (default ``sys.stderr``) asgi_chunk_size (int): The maximum number of bytes that will be sent to the ASGI app in a single ``'http.request'`` event (default 4096). asgi_disconnect_ttl (int): The maximum number of seconds to wait since the request was initiated, before emitting an ``'http.disconnect'`` event when the app calls the receive() function (default 300). Set to ``0`` to simulate an immediate disconnection without first emitting ``'http.request'``. extras (dict): Additional values to add to the WSGI ``environ`` dictionary or the ASGI scope for the request (default: ``None``) cookies (dict): Cookies as a dict-like (Mapping) object, or an iterable yielding a series of two-member (*name*, *value*) iterables. Each pair of items provides the name and value for the 'Set-Cookie' header. Returns: :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request """ return simulate_request(app, 'DELETE', path, **kwargs)
[docs]class TestClient: """Simulate requests to a WSGI or ASGI application. This class provides a contextual wrapper for Falcon's ``simulate_*()`` test functions. It lets you replace this:: simulate_get(app, '/messages') simulate_head(app, '/messages') with this:: client = TestClient(app) client.simulate_get('/messages') client.simulate_head('/messages') Note: The methods all call ``self.simulate_request()`` for convenient overriding of request preparation by child classes. Note: In the case of an ASGI request, this class will simulate the entire app lifecycle in a single shot, including lifespan and client disconnect events. In order to simulate multiple interleaved requests, or to test a streaming endpoint (such as one that emits server-sent events), :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` can be used to more precisely control the app lifecycle. An instance of :class:`~falcon.testing.ASGIConductor` may be instantiated directly, or obtained from an instance of :class:`~falcon.testing.TestClient` using the context manager pattern, as per the following example:: client = falcon.testing.TestClient(app) # -- snip -- async with client as conductor: async with conductor.simulate_get_stream('/events') as result: pass Args: app (callable): A WSGI or ASGI application to target when simulating requests Keyword Arguments: headers (dict): Default headers to set on every request (default ``None``). These defaults may be overridden by passing values for the same headers to one of the ``simulate_*()`` methods. Attributes: app: The app that this client instance was configured to use. """ def __init__(self, app, headers=None): = app self._default_headers = headers self._conductor = None async def __aenter__(self): if not _is_asgi_app( raise CompatibilityError( 'a conductor context manager may only be used with a Falcon ASGI app' ) # NOTE(kgriffs): We normally do not expect someone to try to nest # contexts, so this is just a sanity-check. assert not self._conductor self._conductor = ASGIConductor(, headers=self._default_headers) await self._conductor.__aenter__() return self._conductor async def __aexit__(self, ex_type, ex, tb): result = await self._conductor.__aexit__(ex_type, ex, tb) # NOTE(kgriffs): Reset to allow this instance of TestClient to be # reused in another context. self._conductor = None return result
[docs] def simulate_get(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a GET request to a WSGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_get`) """ return self.simulate_request('GET', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_head(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a HEAD request to a WSGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_head`) """ return self.simulate_request('HEAD', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_post(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a POST request to a WSGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_post`) """ return self.simulate_request('POST', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_put(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a PUT request to a WSGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_put`) """ return self.simulate_request('PUT', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_options(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate an OPTIONS request to a WSGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_options`) """ return self.simulate_request('OPTIONS', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_patch(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a PATCH request to a WSGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_patch`) """ return self.simulate_request('PATCH', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_delete(self, path='/', **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a DELETE request to a WSGI application. (See also: :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_delete`) """ return self.simulate_request('DELETE', path, **kwargs)
[docs] def simulate_request(self, *args, **kwargs) -> _ResultBase: """Simulate a request to a WSGI application. Wraps :py:meth:`falcon.testing.simulate_request` to perform a WSGI request directly against ````. Equivalent to:: falcon.testing.simulate_request(, *args, **kwargs) """ if self._default_headers: # NOTE(kgriffs): Handle the case in which headers is explicitly # set to None. additional_headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) or {} merged_headers = self._default_headers.copy() merged_headers.update(additional_headers) kwargs['headers'] = merged_headers return simulate_request(, *args, **kwargs)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class _AsyncContextManager: def __init__(self, coro): self._coro = coro self._obj = None async def __aenter__(self): self._obj = await self._coro return self._obj async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): await self._obj.finalize() self._obj = None class _WSContextManager: def __init__(self, ws, task_req): self._ws = ws self._task_req = task_req async def __aenter__(self): ready_waiter = create_task(self._ws.wait_ready()) # NOTE(kgriffs): Wait on both so that in the case that the request # task raises an error, we don't just end up masking it with an # asyncio.TimeoutError. await asyncio.wait( [ready_waiter, self._task_req], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, ) if ready_waiter.done(): await ready_waiter else: # NOTE(kgriffs): Retrieve the exception, if any await self._task_req # NOTE(kgriffs): This should complete gracefully (without a # timeout). It may raise WebSocketDisconnected, but that # is expected and desired for "normal" reasons that the # request task finished without accepting the connection. await ready_waiter return self._ws async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): await self._ws.close() await self._task_req def _prepare_sim_args( path, query_string, params, params_csv, content_type, headers, body, json, extras ): if not path.startswith('/'): raise ValueError("path must start with '/'") if '?' in path: if query_string or params: raise ValueError( 'path may not contain a query string in combination with ' 'the query_string or params parameters. Please use only one ' 'way of specifying the query string.' ) path, query_string = path.split('?', 1) elif query_string and query_string.startswith('?'): raise ValueError("query_string should not start with '?'") extras = extras or {} if query_string is None: query_string = to_query_str( params, comma_delimited_lists=params_csv, prefix=False, ) if content_type is not None: headers = headers or {} headers['Content-Type'] = content_type if json is not None: body = json_module.dumps(json, ensure_ascii=False) headers = headers or {} headers['Content-Type'] = MEDIA_JSON return path, query_string, headers, body, extras def _is_asgi_app(app): app_args = inspect.getfullargspec(app).args num_app_args = len(app_args) # NOTE(kgriffs): Technically someone could name the "self" or "cls" # arg something else, but we will make the simplifying # assumption that this is rare enough to not worry about. if app_args[0] in {'cls', 'self'}: num_app_args -= 1 is_asgi = (num_app_args == 3) return is_asgi async def _wait_for_startup(events): # NOTE(kgriffs): This is covered, but our gate for some reason doesn't # understand `while True`. while True: # pragma: nocover for e in events: if e['type'] == 'lifespan.startup.failed': raise RuntimeError('ASGI app returned lifespan.startup.failed. ' + e['message']) if any(e['type'] == 'lifespan.startup.complete' for e in events): break # NOTE(kgriffs): Yield to the concurrent lifespan task await asyncio.sleep(0) async def _wait_for_shutdown(events): # NOTE(kgriffs): This is covered, but our gate for some reason doesn't # understand `while True`. while True: # pragma: nocover for e in events: if e['type'] == 'lifespan.shutdown.failed': raise RuntimeError('ASGI app returned lifespan.shutdown.failed. ' + e['message']) if any(e['type'] == 'lifespan.shutdown.complete' for e in events): break # NOTE(kgriffs): Yield to the concurrent lifespan task await asyncio.sleep(0)