Source code for falcon.routing.compiled

# Copyright 2013 by Richard Olsson
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Default routing engine."""

from collections import UserDict
from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
import keyword
import re
import textwrap
from threading import Lock

from falcon.routing import converters
from falcon.routing.util import map_http_methods
from falcon.routing.util import set_default_responders
from falcon.util.misc import is_python_func
from falcon.util.sync import _should_wrap_non_coroutines
from falcon.util.sync import wrap_sync_to_async

if False:  # TODO: switch to TYPE_CHECKING once support for py3.5 is dropped
    from typing import Any

_TAB_STR = ' ' * 4
_FIELD_PATTERN = re.compile(
    # NOTE(kgriffs): This disallows the use of the '}' character within
    # an argstr. However, we don't really have a way of escaping
    # curly brackets in URI templates at the moment, so users should
    # see this as a similar restriction and so somewhat unsurprising.
    # We may want to create a contextual parser at some point to
    # work around this problem.
_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = re.compile('[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$')

[docs]class CompiledRouter: """Fast URI router which compiles its routing logic to Python code. Generally you do not need to use this router class directly, as an instance is created by default when the falcon.App class is initialized. The router treats URI paths as a tree of URI segments and searches by checking the URI one segment at a time. Instead of interpreting the route tree for each look-up, it generates inlined, bespoke Python code to perform the search, then compiles that code. This makes the route processing quite fast. The compilation process is delayed until the first use of the router (on the first routed request) to reduce the time it takes to start the application. This may noticeably delay the first response of the application when a large number of routes have been added. When adding the last route to the application a `compile` flag may be provided to force the router to compile immediately, thus avoiding any delay for the first response. Note: When using a multi-threaded web server to host the application, it is possible that multiple requests may be routed at the same time upon startup. Therefore, the framework employs a lock to ensure that only a single compilation of the decision tree is performed. See also :meth:`.CompiledRouter.add_route` """ __slots__ = ( '_ast', '_converter_map', '_converters', '_find', '_finder_src', '_options', '_patterns', '_return_values', '_roots', '_compile_lock', ) def __init__(self): self._ast = None self._converters = None self._finder_src = None self._options = CompiledRouterOptions() # PERF(kgriffs): This is usually an anti-pattern, but we do it # here to reduce lookup time. self._converter_map = self._patterns = None self._return_values = None self._roots = [] # NOTE(caselit): set _find to the delayed compile method to ensure that # compile is called when the router is first used self._find = self._compile_and_find self._compile_lock = Lock() @property def options(self): return self._options @property def finder_src(self): # NOTE(caselit): ensure that the router is actually compiled before # returning the finder source, since the current value may be out of # date self.find('/') return self._finder_src
[docs] def map_http_methods(self, resource, **kwargs): """Map HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST) to methods of a resource object. This method is called from :meth:`~.add_route` and may be overridden to provide a custom mapping strategy. Args: resource (instance): Object which represents a REST resource. The default maps the HTTP method ``GET`` to ``on_get()``, ``POST`` to ``on_post()``, etc. If any HTTP methods are not supported by your resource, simply don't define the corresponding request handlers, and Falcon will do the right thing. Keyword Args: suffix (str): Optional responder name suffix for this route. If a suffix is provided, Falcon will map GET requests to ``on_get_{suffix}()``, POST requests to ``on_post_{suffix}()``, etc. In this way, multiple closely-related routes can be mapped to the same resource. For example, a single resource class can use suffixed responders to distinguish requests for a single item vs. a collection of those same items. Another class might use a suffixed responder to handle a shortlink route in addition to the regular route for the resource. """ return map_http_methods(resource, suffix=kwargs.get('suffix', None))
[docs] def add_route(self, uri_template, resource, **kwargs): """Add a route between a URI path template and a resource. This method may be overridden to customize how a route is added. Args: uri_template (str): A URI template to use for the route resource (object): The resource instance to associate with the URI template. Keyword Args: suffix (str): Optional responder name suffix for this route. If a suffix is provided, Falcon will map GET requests to ``on_get_{suffix}()``, POST requests to ``on_post_{suffix}()``, etc. In this way, multiple closely-related routes can be mapped to the same resource. For example, a single resource class can use suffixed responders to distinguish requests for a single item vs. a collection of those same items. Another class might use a suffixed responder to handle a shortlink route in addition to the regular route for the resource. compile (bool): Optional flag that can be used to compile the routing logic on this call. By default, :class:`.CompiledRouter` delays compilation until the first request is routed. This may introduce a noticeable amount of latency when handling the first request, especially when the application implements a large number of routes. Setting `compile` to ``True`` when the last route is added ensures that the first request will not be delayed in this case (defaults to ``False``). Note: Always setting this flag to ``True`` may slow down the addition of new routes when hundreds of them are added at once. It is advisable to only set this flag to ``True`` when adding the final route. """ # NOTE(kgriffs): falcon.asgi.App injects this private kwarg; it is # only intended to be used internally. asgi = kwargs.get('_asgi', False) method_map = self.map_http_methods(resource, **kwargs) set_default_responders(method_map, asgi=asgi) if asgi: self._require_coroutine_responders(method_map) else: self._require_non_coroutine_responders(method_map) # NOTE(kgriffs): Fields may have whitespace in them, so sub # those before checking the rest of the URI template. if'\s', _FIELD_PATTERN.sub('{FIELD}', uri_template)): raise ValueError('URI templates may not include whitespace.') path = uri_template.lstrip('/').split('/') used_names = set() for segment in path: self._validate_template_segment(segment, used_names) def insert(nodes, path_index=0): for node in nodes: segment = path[path_index] if node.matches(segment): path_index += 1 if path_index == len(path): # NOTE(kgriffs): Override previous node node.method_map = method_map node.resource = resource node.uri_template = uri_template else: insert(node.children, path_index) return if node.conflicts_with(segment): msg = textwrap.dedent(""" The URI template for this route is inconsistent or conflicts with another route's template. This is usually caused by configuring a field converter differently for the same field in two different routes, or by using different field names at the same level in the path (e.g., '/parents/{id}' and '/parents/{parent_id}/children') """).strip().replace('\n', ' ') raise ValueError(msg) # NOTE(richardolsson): If we got this far, the node doesn't already # exist and needs to be created. This builds a new branch of the # routing tree recursively until it reaches the new node leaf. new_node = CompiledRouterNode(path[path_index]) nodes.append(new_node) if path_index == len(path) - 1: new_node.method_map = method_map new_node.resource = resource new_node.uri_template = uri_template else: insert(new_node.children, path_index + 1) insert(self._roots) # NOTE(caselit): when compile is True run the actual compile step, otherwise reset the # _find, so that _compile will be called on the next find use if kwargs.get('compile', False): self._find = self._compile() else: self._find = self._compile_and_find
[docs] def find(self, uri, req=None): """Search for a route that matches the given partial URI. Args: uri(str): The requested path to route. Keyword Args: req: The :class:`falcon.Request` or :class:`falcon.asgi.Request` object that will be passed to the routed responder. Currently the value of this argument is ignored by :class:`~.CompiledRouter`. Routing is based solely on the path. Returns: tuple: A 4-member tuple composed of (resource, method_map, params, uri_template), or ``None`` if no route matches the requested path. """ path = uri.lstrip('/').split('/') params = {} node = self._find(path, self._return_values, self._patterns, self._converters, params) if node is not None: return node.resource, node.method_map, params, node.uri_template else: return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Private # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def _require_coroutine_responders(self, method_map): for method, responder in method_map.items(): # NOTE(kgriffs): We don't simply wrap non-async functions # since they likely peform relatively long blocking # operations that need to be explicitly made non-blocking # by the developer; raising an error helps highlight this # issue. if not iscoroutinefunction(responder) and is_python_func(responder): if _should_wrap_non_coroutines(): def let(responder=responder): method_map[method] = wrap_sync_to_async(responder) let() else: msg = ( 'The {} responder must be a non-blocking ' 'async coroutine (i.e., defined using async def) to ' 'avoid blocking the main request thread.' ) msg = msg.format(responder) raise TypeError(msg) def _require_non_coroutine_responders(self, method_map): for method, responder in method_map.items(): # NOTE(kgriffs): We don't simply wrap non-async functions # since they likely peform relatively long blocking # operations that need to be explicitly made non-blocking # by the developer; raising an error helps highlight this # issue. if iscoroutinefunction(responder): msg = ( 'The {} responder must be a regular synchronous ' 'method to be used with a WSGI app.' ) msg = msg.format(responder) raise TypeError(msg) def _validate_template_segment(self, segment, used_names): """Validate a single path segment of a URI template. 1. Ensure field names are valid Python identifiers, since they will be passed as kwargs to responders. 2. Check that there are no duplicate names, since that causes (at least) the following problems: a. For simple nodes, values from deeper nodes overwrite values from more shallow nodes. b. For complex nodes, re.compile() raises a nasty error 3. Check that when the converter syntax is used, the named converter exists. """ for field in _FIELD_PATTERN.finditer(segment): name ='fname') is_identifier = _IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.match(name) if not is_identifier or name in keyword.kwlist: msg_template = ('Field names must be valid identifiers ' '("{0}" is not valid)') msg = msg_template.format(name) raise ValueError(msg) if name in used_names: msg_template = ('Field names may not be duplicated ' '("{0}" was used more than once)') msg = msg_template.format(name) raise ValueError(msg) used_names.add(name) if'cname_sep') == ':': msg = 'Missing converter for field "{0}"'.format(name) raise ValueError(msg) name ='cname') if name: if name not in self._converter_map: msg = 'Unknown converter: "{0}"'.format(name) raise ValueError(msg) try: self._instantiate_converter(self._converter_map[name],'argstr')) except Exception as e: msg = 'Cannot instantiate converter "{}"'.format(name) raise ValueError(msg) from e def _generate_ast( self, nodes: list, parent, return_values: list, patterns: list, params_stack: list, level=0, fast_return=True ): """Generate a coarse AST for the router.""" # NOTE(caselit): setting of the parameters in the params dict is delayed until # a match has been found by adding them to the param_stack. This way superfluous # parameters are not set to the params dict while descending on branches that # ultimately do not match. # NOTE(kgriffs): Base case if not nodes: return outer_parent = _CxIfPathLength('>', level) parent.append_child(outer_parent) parent = outer_parent found_simple = False # NOTE(kgriffs & philiptzou): Sort nodes in this sequence: # static nodes(0), complex var nodes(1) and simple var nodes(2). # so that none of them get masked. nodes = sorted( nodes, key=lambda node: node.is_var + (node.is_var and not node.is_complex)) # NOTE(kgriffs): Down to this branch in the tree, we can do a # fast 'return None'. See if the nodes at this branch are # all still simple, meaning there is only one possible path. if fast_return: if len(nodes) > 1: # NOTE(kgriffs): There's the possibility of more than # one path. var_nodes = [node for node in nodes if node.is_var] found_var_nodes = bool(var_nodes) fast_return = not found_var_nodes construct = None # type: Any setter = None # type: Any original_params_stack = params_stack.copy() for node in nodes: params_stack = original_params_stack.copy() if node.is_var: if node.is_complex: # NOTE(richardolsson): Complex nodes are nodes which # contain anything more than a single literal or variable, # and they need to be checked using a pre-compiled regular # expression. pattern_idx = len(patterns) patterns.append(node.var_pattern) construct = _CxIfPathSegmentPattern(level, pattern_idx, node.var_pattern.pattern) parent.append_child(construct) parent = construct if node.var_converter_map: parent.append_child(_CxPrefetchGroupsFromPatternMatch()) parent = self._generate_conversion_ast(parent, node, params_stack) else: construct = _CxVariableFromPatternMatch(len(params_stack) + 1) setter = _CxSetParamsFromDict(construct.dict_variable_name) params_stack.append(setter) parent.append_child(construct) else: # NOTE(kgriffs): Simple nodes just capture the entire path # segment as the value for the param. if node.var_converter_map: assert len(node.var_converter_map) == 1 parent.append_child(_CxSetFragmentFromPath(level)) field_name = node.var_name __, converter_name, converter_argstr = node.var_converter_map[0] converter_class = self._converter_map[converter_name] converter_obj = self._instantiate_converter( converter_class, converter_argstr ) converter_idx = len(self._converters) self._converters.append(converter_obj) construct = _CxIfConverterField(len(params_stack) + 1, converter_idx) setter = _CxSetParamFromValue(field_name, construct.field_variable_name) params_stack.append(setter) parent.append_child(construct) parent = construct else: params_stack.append(_CxSetParamFromPath(node.var_name, level)) # NOTE(kgriffs): We don't allow multiple simple var nodes # to exist at the same level, e.g.: # # /foo/{id}/bar # /foo/{name}/bar # assert len([_node for _node in nodes if _node.is_var and not _node.is_complex]) == 1 found_simple = True else: # NOTE(kgriffs): Not a param, so must match exactly construct = _CxIfPathSegmentLiteral(level, node.raw_segment) parent.append_child(construct) parent = construct if node.resource is not None: # NOTE(kgriffs): This is a valid route, so we will want to # return the relevant information. resource_idx = len(return_values) return_values.append(node) self._generate_ast( node.children, parent, return_values, patterns, params_stack.copy(), level + 1, fast_return ) if node.resource is None: if fast_return: parent.append_child(_CxReturnNone()) else: # NOTE(kgriffs): Make sure that we have consumed all of # the segments for the requested route; otherwise we could # mistakenly match "/foo/23/bar" against "/foo/{id}". construct = _CxIfPathLength('==', level + 1) for params in params_stack: construct.append_child(params) construct.append_child(_CxReturnValue(resource_idx)) parent.append_child(construct) if fast_return: parent.append_child(_CxReturnNone()) parent = outer_parent if not found_simple and fast_return: parent.append_child(_CxReturnNone()) def _generate_conversion_ast(self, parent, node: 'CompiledRouterNode', params_stack: list): construct = None # type: Any setter = None # type: Any # NOTE(kgriffs): Unroll the converter loop into # a series of nested "if" constructs. for field_name, converter_name, converter_argstr in node.var_converter_map: converter_class = self._converter_map[converter_name] converter_obj = self._instantiate_converter( converter_class, converter_argstr ) converter_idx = len(self._converters) self._converters.append(converter_obj) parent.append_child(_CxSetFragmentFromField(field_name)) construct = _CxIfConverterField(len(params_stack) + 1, converter_idx) setter = _CxSetParamFromValue(field_name, construct.field_variable_name) params_stack.append(setter) parent.append_child(construct) parent = construct # NOTE(kgriffs): Add remaining fields that were not # converted, if any. if node.num_fields > len(node.var_converter_map): construct = _CxVariableFromPatternMatchPrefetched(len(params_stack) + 1) setter = _CxSetParamsFromDict(construct.dict_variable_name) params_stack.append(setter) parent.append_child(construct) return parent def _compile(self): """Generate Python code for the entire routing tree. The generated code is compiled and the resulting Python method is returned. """ src_lines = [ 'def find(path, return_values, patterns, converters, params):', _TAB_STR + 'path_len = len(path)', ] self._return_values = [] self._patterns = [] self._converters = [] self._ast = _CxParent() self._generate_ast( self._roots, self._ast, self._return_values, self._patterns, params_stack=[] ) src_lines.append(self._ast.src(0)) src_lines.append( # PERF(kgriffs): Explicit return of None is faster than implicit _TAB_STR + 'return None' ) self._finder_src = '\n'.join(src_lines) scope = {} exec(compile(self._finder_src, '<string>', 'exec'), scope) return scope['find'] def _instantiate_converter(self, klass, argstr=None): if argstr is None: return klass() # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't try this at home. ;) src = '{0}({1})'.format(klass.__name__, argstr) return eval(src, {klass.__name__: klass}) def _compile_and_find(self, path, _return_values, _patterns, _converters, params): """Compile the router, set the `_find` attribute and return its result. This method is set to the `_find` attribute to delay the compilation of the router until it's used for the first time. Subsequent calls to `_find` will be processed by the actual routing function. This method must have the same signature as the function returned by the :meth:`.CompiledRouter._compile`. """ with self._compile_lock: if self._find == self._compile_and_find: # NOTE(caselit): replace the find with the result of the router compilation self._find = self._compile() # NOTE(caselit): return_values, patterns, converters are reset by the _compile # method, so the updated ones must be used return self._find( path, self._return_values, self._patterns, self._converters, params )
class CompiledRouterNode: """Represents a single URI segment in a URI.""" def __init__(self, raw_segment, method_map=None, resource=None, uri_template=None): self.children = [] self.raw_segment = raw_segment self.method_map = method_map self.resource = resource self.uri_template = uri_template self.is_var = False self.is_complex = False self.num_fields = 0 # TODO(kgriffs): Rename these since the docs talk about "fields" # or "field expressions", not "vars" or "variables". self.var_name = None self.var_pattern = None self.var_converter_map = [] # NOTE(kgriffs): CompiledRouter.add_route validates field names, # so here we can just assume they are OK and use the simple # _FIELD_PATTERN to match them. matches = list(_FIELD_PATTERN.finditer(raw_segment)) if not matches: self.is_var = False else: self.is_var = True self.num_fields = len(matches) for field in matches: # NOTE(kgriffs): We already validated the field # expression to disallow blank converter names, or names # that don't match a known converter, so if a name is # given, we can just go ahead and use it. if'cname'): self.var_converter_map.append( ('fname'),'cname'),'argstr'), ) ) if matches[0].span() == (0, len(raw_segment)): # NOTE(kgriffs): Single field, spans entire segment assert len(matches) == 1 # TODO(kgriffs): It is not "complex" because it only # contains a single field. Rename this variable to make # it more descriptive. self.is_complex = False field = matches[0] self.var_name ='fname') else: # NOTE(richardolsson): Complex segments need to be # converted into regular expressions in order to match # and extract variable values. The regular expressions # contain both literal spans and named group expressions # for the variables. # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't use re.escape() since we do not # want to escape '{' or '}', and we don't want to # introduce any unexpected side-effects by escaping # non-ASCII characters (it is probably safe, but let's # not take that chance in a minor point release). # # NOTE(kgriffs): The substitution template parser in the # re library does not look ahead when collapsing '\\': # therefore in the case of r'\\g<0>' the first r'\\' # would be consumed and collapsed to r'\', and then the # parser would examine 'g<0>' and not realize it is a # group-escape sequence. So we add an extra backslash to # trick the parser into doing the right thing. escaped_segment = re.sub(r'[\.\(\)\[\]\?\$\*\+\^\|]', r'\\\g<0>', raw_segment) pattern_text = _FIELD_PATTERN.sub(r'(?P<\2>.+)', escaped_segment) pattern_text = '^' + pattern_text + '$' self.is_complex = True self.var_pattern = re.compile(pattern_text) if self.is_complex: assert self.is_var def matches(self, segment): """Return True if this node matches the supplied template segment.""" return segment == self.raw_segment def conflicts_with(self, segment): """Return True if this node conflicts with a given template segment.""" # NOTE(kgriffs): This method assumes that the caller has already # checked if the segment matches. By definition, only unmatched # segments may conflict, so there isn't any sense in calling # conflicts_with in that case. assert not self.matches(segment) # NOTE(kgriffs): Possible combinations are as follows. # # simple, simple ==> True # simple, complex ==> False # simple, string ==> False # complex, simple ==> False # complex, complex ==> (Maybe) # complex, string ==> False # string, simple ==> False # string, complex ==> False # string, string ==> False # other = CompiledRouterNode(segment) if self.is_var: # NOTE(kgriffs & philiptzou): Falcon does not accept multiple # simple var nodes exist at the same level as following: # # /foo/{thing1} # /foo/{thing2} # # Nor two complex nodes like this: # # /foo/{thing1}.{ext} # /foo/{thing2}.{ext} # # On the other hand, those are all OK: # # /foo/{thing1} # /foo/all # /foo/{thing1}.{ext} # /foo/{thing2}.detail.{ext} # if self.is_complex: if other.is_complex: return (_FIELD_PATTERN.sub('v', self.raw_segment) == _FIELD_PATTERN.sub('v', segment)) return False else: return other.is_var and not other.is_complex # NOTE(kgriffs): If self is a static string match, then all the cases # for other are False, so no need to check. return False class ConverterDict(UserDict): """A dict-like class for storing field converters.""" def update(self, other): try: # NOTE(kgriffs): If it is a mapping type, it should # implement keys(). names = other.keys() except AttributeError: # NOTE(kgriffs): Not a mapping type, so assume it is an # iterable of 2-item iterables. But we need to make it # re-iterable if it is a generator, for when we pass # it on to the parent's update(). other = list(other) names = [n for n, __ in other] for n in names: self._validate(n) UserDict.update(self, other) def __setitem__(self, name, converter): self._validate(name) UserDict.__setitem__(self, name, converter) def _validate(self, name): if not _IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.match(name): raise ValueError( 'Invalid converter name. Names may not be blank, and may ' 'only use ASCII letters, digits, and underscores. Names' 'must begin with a letter or underscore.' )
[docs]class CompiledRouterOptions: """Defines a set of configurable router options. An instance of this class is exposed via :py:attr:`falcon.App.router_options` and :py:attr:`falcon.asgi.App.router_options` for configuring certain :py:class:`~.CompiledRouter` behaviors. Attributes: converters: Represents the collection of named converters that may be referenced in URI template field expressions. Adding additional converters is simply a matter of mapping an identifier to a converter class:: app.router_options.converters['mc'] = MyConverter The identifier can then be used to employ the converter within a URI template:: app.add_route('/{some_field:mc}', some_resource) Converter names may only contain ASCII letters, digits, and underscores, and must start with either a letter or an underscore. Warning: Converter instances are shared between requests. Therefore, in threaded deployments, care must be taken to implement custom converters in a thread-safe manner. (See also: :ref:`Field Converters <routing_field_converters>`) """ __slots__ = ('converters',) def __init__(self): self.converters = ConverterDict( (name, converter) for name, converter in converters.BUILTIN )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- # AST Constructs # # NOTE(kgriffs): These constructs are used to create a very coarse # AST that can then be used to generate Python source code for the # router. Using an AST like this makes it easier to reason about # the compilation process, and affords syntactical transformations # that would otherwise be at best confusing and at worst extremely # tedious and error-prone if they were to be attempted directly # against the Python source code. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- class _CxParent: def __init__(self): self._children = [] def append_child(self, construct): self._children.append(construct) def src(self, indentation): return self._children_src(indentation + 1) def _children_src(self, indentation): src_lines = [ child.src(indentation) for child in self._children ] return '\n'.join(src_lines) class _CxIfPathLength(_CxParent): def __init__(self, comparison, length): super().__init__() self._comparison = comparison self._length = length def src(self, indentation): template = '{0}if path_len {1} {2}:\n{3}' return template.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._comparison, self._length, self._children_src(indentation + 1) ) class _CxIfPathSegmentLiteral(_CxParent): def __init__(self, segment_idx, literal): super().__init__() self._segment_idx = segment_idx self._literal = literal def src(self, indentation): template = "{0}if path[{1}] == '{2}':\n{3}" return template.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._segment_idx, self._literal, self._children_src(indentation + 1) ) class _CxIfPathSegmentPattern(_CxParent): def __init__(self, segment_idx, pattern_idx, pattern_text): super().__init__() self._segment_idx = segment_idx self._pattern_idx = pattern_idx self._pattern_text = pattern_text def src(self, indentation): lines = [ '{0}match = patterns[{1}].match(path[{2}]) # {3}'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._pattern_idx, self._segment_idx, self._pattern_text, ), '{0}if match is not None:'.format(_TAB_STR * indentation), self._children_src(indentation + 1), ] return '\n'.join(lines) class _CxIfConverterField(_CxParent): def __init__(self, unique_idx, converter_idx): super().__init__() self._converter_idx = converter_idx self._unique_idx = unique_idx self.field_variable_name = 'field_value_{0}'.format(unique_idx) def src(self, indentation): lines = [ '{0}{1} = converters[{2}].convert(fragment)'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self.field_variable_name, self._converter_idx, ), '{0}if {1} is not None:'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self.field_variable_name ), self._children_src(indentation + 1), ] return '\n'.join(lines) class _CxSetFragmentFromField: def __init__(self, field_name): self._field_name = field_name def src(self, indentation): return "{0}fragment = groups.pop('{1}')".format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._field_name, ) class _CxSetFragmentFromPath: def __init__(self, segment_idx): self._segment_idx = segment_idx def src(self, indentation): return '{0}fragment = path[{1}]'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._segment_idx, ) class _CxVariableFromPatternMatch: def __init__(self, unique_idx): self._unique_idx = unique_idx self.dict_variable_name = 'dict_match_{0}'.format(unique_idx) def src(self, indentation): return '{0}{1} = match.groupdict()'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self.dict_variable_name ) class _CxVariableFromPatternMatchPrefetched: def __init__(self, unique_idx): self._unique_idx = unique_idx self.dict_variable_name = 'dict_groups_{0}'.format(unique_idx) def src(self, indentation): return '{0}{1} = groups'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self.dict_variable_name ) class _CxPrefetchGroupsFromPatternMatch: def src(self, indentation): return '{0}groups = match.groupdict()'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation ) class _CxReturnNone: def src(self, indentation): return '{0}return None'.format(_TAB_STR * indentation) class _CxReturnValue: def __init__(self, value_idx): self._value_idx = value_idx def src(self, indentation): return '{0}return return_values[{1}]'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._value_idx ) class _CxSetParamFromPath: def __init__(self, param_name, segment_idx): self._param_name = param_name self._segment_idx = segment_idx def src(self, indentation): return "{0}params['{1}'] = path[{2}]".format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._param_name, self._segment_idx, ) class _CxSetParamFromValue: def __init__(self, param_name, field_value_name): self._param_name = param_name self._field_value_name = field_value_name def src(self, indentation): return "{0}params['{1}'] = {2}".format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._param_name, self._field_value_name, ) class _CxSetParamsFromDict: def __init__(self, dict_value_name): self._dict_value_name = dict_value_name def src(self, indentation): return '{0}params.update({1})'.format( _TAB_STR * indentation, self._dict_value_name, )