Source code for falcon.inspect

# Copyright 2020 by Federico Caselli
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Inspect utilities for falcon applications."""
from functools import partial
import inspect
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type

from falcon import app_helpers
from import App
from falcon.routing import CompiledRouter

[docs]def inspect_app(app: App) -> 'AppInfo': """Inspects an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: AppInfo: The information regarding the application. Call :meth:`~.AppInfo.to_string` on the result to obtain a human-friendly representation. """ routes = inspect_routes(app) static = inspect_static_routes(app) sinks = inspect_sinks(app) error_handlers = inspect_error_handlers(app) middleware = inspect_middleware(app) return AppInfo(routes, middleware, static, sinks, error_handlers, app._ASGI)
[docs]def inspect_routes(app: App) -> 'List[RouteInfo]': """Inspects the routes of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[RouteInfo]: A list of route descriptions for the application. """ router = app._router inspect_function = _supported_routers.get(type(router)) if inspect_function is None: raise TypeError( 'Unsupported router class {}. Use "register_router" ' 'to register a function that can inspect the router ' 'used by the provided application'.format(type(router)) ) return inspect_function(router)
[docs]def register_router(router_class): """Register a function to inspect a particular router. This decorator registers a new function for a custom router class, so that it can be inspected with the function :func:`.inspect_routes`. An inspection function takes the router instance used by the application and returns a list of :class:`.RouteInfo`. Eg:: @register_router(MyRouterClass) def inspect_my_router(router): return [RouteInfo('foo', 'bar', '/path/to/', [])] Args: router_class (Type): The router class to register. If already registered an error will be raised. """ def wraps(fn): if router_class in _supported_routers: raise ValueError( 'Another function is already registered' ' for the router {}'.format(router_class) ) _supported_routers[router_class] = fn return fn return wraps
# router inspection registry _supported_routers = {} # type: Dict[Type, Callable]
[docs]def inspect_static_routes(app: App) -> 'List[StaticRouteInfo]': """Inspects the static routes of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[StaticRouteInfo]: A list of static routes that have been added to the application. """ routes = [] for sr, _, _ in app._static_routes: info = StaticRouteInfo(sr._prefix, sr._directory, sr._fallback_filename) routes.append(info) return routes
[docs]def inspect_sinks(app: App) -> 'List[SinkInfo]': """Inspects the sinks of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[SinkInfo]: A list of sinks used by the application. """ sinks = [] for prefix, sink, _ in app._sinks: source_info, name = _get_source_info_and_name(sink) info = SinkInfo(prefix.pattern, name, source_info) sinks.append(info) return sinks
[docs]def inspect_error_handlers(app: App) -> 'List[ErrorHandlerInfo]': """Inspects the error handlers of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: List[ErrorHandlerInfo]: A list of error handlers used by the application. """ errors = [] for exc, fn in app._error_handlers.items(): source_info, name = _get_source_info_and_name(fn) info = ErrorHandlerInfo(exc.__name__, name, source_info, _is_internal(fn)) errors.append(info) return errors
[docs]def inspect_middleware(app: App) -> 'MiddlewareInfo': """Inspects the middleware components of an application. Args: app (falcon.App): The application to inspect. Works with both :class:`falcon.App` and :class:`falcon.asgi.App`. Returns: MiddlewareInfo: Information about the app's middleware components. """ types_ = app_helpers.prepare_middleware(app._unprepared_middleware, True, app._ASGI) type_infos = [] for stack in types_: current = [] for method in stack: _, name = _get_source_info_and_name(method) cls = type(method.__self__) _, cls_name = _get_source_info_and_name(cls) current.append(MiddlewareTreeItemInfo(name, cls_name)) type_infos.append(current) middlewareTree = MiddlewareTreeInfo(*type_infos) middlewareClasses = [] names = 'Process request', 'Process resource', 'Process response' for m in app._unprepared_middleware: fns = app_helpers.prepare_middleware([m], True, app._ASGI) class_source_info, cls_name = _get_source_info_and_name(type(m)) methods = [] for method, name in zip(fns, names): if method: real_func = method[0] source_info = _get_source_info(real_func) methods.append(MiddlewareMethodInfo(real_func.__name__, source_info)) m_info = MiddlewareClassInfo(cls_name, class_source_info, methods) middlewareClasses.append(m_info) return MiddlewareInfo( middlewareTree, middlewareClasses, app._independent_middleware )
[docs]@register_router(CompiledRouter) def inspect_compiled_router(router: CompiledRouter) -> 'List[RouteInfo]': """Walk an instance of :class:`~.CompiledRouter` to return a list of defined routes. Default route inspector for CompiledRouter. Args: router (CompiledRouter): The router to inspect. Returns: List[RouteInfo]: A list of :class:`~.RouteInfo`. """ def _traverse(roots, parent): for root in roots: path = parent + '/' + root.raw_segment if root.resource is not None: methods = [] if root.method_map: for method, func in root.method_map.items(): if isinstance(func, partial): real_func = func.func else: real_func = func source_info = _get_source_info(real_func) internal = _is_internal(real_func) method_info = RouteMethodInfo( method, source_info, real_func.__name__, internal ) methods.append(method_info) source_info, class_name = _get_source_info_and_name(root.resource) route_info = RouteInfo(path, class_name, source_info, methods) routes.append(route_info) if root.children: _traverse(root.children, path) routes = [] # type: List[RouteInfo] _traverse(router._roots, '') return routes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Inspection classes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class _Traversable: __visit_name__ = 'N/A' def to_string(self, verbose=False, internal=False) -> str: """Return a string representation of this class. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Adds more information. Defaults to False. internal (bool, optional): Also include internal route methods and error handlers added by the framework. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: str: string representation of this class. """ return StringVisitor(verbose, internal).process(self) def __repr__(self): return self.to_string()
[docs]class RouteMethodInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a responder method. Args: method (str): The HTTP method of this responder. source_info (str): The source path of this function. function_name (str): Name of the function. internal (bool): Whether or not this was a default responder added by the framework. Attributes: suffix (str): The suffix of this route function. This is set to an empty string when the function has no suffix. """ __visit_name__ = 'route_method' def __init__( self, method: str, source_info: str, function_name: str, internal: bool ): self.method = method self.source_info = source_info self.function_name = function_name self.internal = internal # NOTE(CaselIT): internal falcon names do not start with on and do not have suffix if function_name.startswith('on'): self.suffix = '_'.join(function_name.split('_')[2:]) else: self.suffix = ''
[docs]class RouteInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a route. Args: path (str): The path of this route. class_name (str): The class name of the responder of this route. source_info (str): The source path where this responder was defined. methods (List[RouteMethodInfo]): List of methods defined in the route. """ __visit_name__ = 'route' def __init__( self, path: str, class_name: str, source_info: str, methods: List[RouteMethodInfo], ): self.path = path self.class_name = class_name self.source_info = source_info self.methods = methods
[docs]class StaticRouteInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a static route. Args: path (str): The prefix of the static route. directory (str): The directory for the static route. fallback_filename (str or None): Fallback filename to serve. """ __visit_name__ = 'static_route' def __init__(self, prefix: str, directory: str, fallback_filename: Optional[str]): self.prefix = prefix = directory self.fallback_filename = fallback_filename
[docs]class SinkInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a sink. Args: prefix (str): The prefix of the sink. name (str): The name of the sink function or class. source_info (str): The source path where this sink was defined. """ __visit_name__ = 'sink' def __init__(self, prefix: str, name: str, source_info: str): self.prefix = prefix = name self.source_info = source_info
[docs]class ErrorHandlerInfo(_Traversable): """Desribes an error handler. Args: error (name): The name of the error type. name (str): The name of the handler. source_info (str): The source path where this error handler was defined. internal (bool): Whether or not this is a default error handler added by the framework. """ __visit_name__ = 'error_handler' def __init__(self, error: str, name: str, source_info: str, internal: bool): self.error = error = name self.source_info = source_info self.internal = internal
[docs]class MiddlewareMethodInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a middleware method. Args: function_name (str): Name of the method. source_info (str): The source path of the method. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_method' def __init__(self, function_name: str, source_info: str): self.function_name = function_name self.source_info = source_info self.internal = False # added for compatibility with RouteMethodInfo
[docs]class MiddlewareClassInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a middleware class. Args: name (str): The name of the middleware class. source_info (str): The source path where the middleware was defined. methods (List[MiddlewareMethodInfo]): List of method defined by the middleware class. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_class' def __init__( self, name: str, source_info: str, methods: List[MiddlewareMethodInfo] ): = name self.source_info = source_info self.methods = methods
[docs]class MiddlewareTreeItemInfo(_Traversable): """Describes a middleware tree entry. Args: name (str): The name of the method. class_name (str): The class name of the method. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_tree_item' _symbols = { 'process_request': '→', 'process_resource': '↣', 'process_response': '↢', } def __init__(self, name: str, class_name: str): = name self.class_name = class_name
[docs]class MiddlewareTreeInfo(_Traversable): """Describes the middleware methods used by the app. Args: request (List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo]): The `process_request` methods. resource (List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo]): The `process_resource` methods. response (List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo]): The `process_response` methods. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware_tree' def __init__( self, request: List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo], resource: List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo], response: List[MiddlewareTreeItemInfo], ): self.request = request self.resource = resource self.response = response
[docs]class MiddlewareInfo(_Traversable): """Describes the middleware of the app. Args: middlewareTree (MiddlewareTreeInfo): The middleware tree of the app. middlewareClasses (List[MiddlewareClassInfo]): The middleware classes of the app. independent (bool): Whether or not the middleware components are executed independently. Attributes: independent_text (str): Text created from the `independent` arg. """ __visit_name__ = 'middleware' def __init__( self, middleware_tree: MiddlewareTreeInfo, middleware_classes: List[MiddlewareClassInfo], independent: bool, ): self.middleware_tree = middleware_tree self.middleware_classes = middleware_classes self.independent = independent if independent: self.independent_text = 'Middleware are independent' else: self.independent_text = 'Middleware are dependent'
[docs]class AppInfo(_Traversable): """Describes an application. Args: routes (List[RouteInfo]): The routes of the application. middleware (MiddlewareInfo): The middleware information in the application. static_routes (List[StaticRouteInfo]): The static routes of this application. sinks (List[SinkInfo]): The sinks of this application. error_handlers (List[ErrorHandlerInfo]): The error handlers of this application. asgi (bool): Whether or not this is an ASGI application. """ __visit_name__ = 'app' def __init__( self, routes: List[RouteInfo], middleware: MiddlewareInfo, static_routes: List[StaticRouteInfo], sinks: List[SinkInfo], error_handlers: List[ErrorHandlerInfo], asgi: bool, ): self.routes = routes self.middleware = middleware self.static_routes = static_routes self.sinks = sinks self.error_handlers = error_handlers self.asgi = asgi
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose=False, internal=False, name='') -> str: """Return a string representation of this class. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Adds more information. Defaults to False. internal (bool, optional): Also include internal falcon route methods and error handlers. Defaults to ``False``. name (str, optional): The name of the application, to be output at the beginning of the text. Defaults to ``'Falcon App'``. Returns: str: A string representation of the application. """ return StringVisitor(verbose, internal, name).process(self)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Visitor classes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class InspectVisitor: """Base visitor class that implements the `process` method. Subclasses must implement ``visit_<name>`` methods for each supported class. """
[docs] def process(self, instance: _Traversable): """Process the instance, by calling the appropriate visit method. Uses the `__visit_name__` attribute of the `instance` to obtain the method to use. Args: instance (_Traversable): The instance to process. """ try: return getattr(self, 'visit_{}'.format(instance.__visit_name__))(instance) except AttributeError as e: raise RuntimeError( 'This visitor does not support {}'.format(type(instance)) ) from e
[docs]class StringVisitor(InspectVisitor): """Visitor that returns a string representation of the info class. This is used automatically by calling ``to_string()`` on the info class. It can also be used directly by calling ``StringVisitor.process(info_instance)``. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Adds more information. Defaults to ``False``. internal (bool, optional): Also include internal route methods and error handlers added by the framework. Defaults to ``False``. name (str, optional): The name of the application, to be output at the beginning of the text. Defaults to ``'Falcon App'``. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False, internal=False, name=''): self.verbose = verbose self.internal = internal = name self.indent = 0 @property def tab(self): """Get the current tabulation.""" return ' ' * self.indent def visit_route_method(self, route_method: RouteMethodInfo) -> str: """Visit a RouteMethodInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0.method} - {0.function_name}'.format(route_method) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(route_method) return text def _methods_to_string(self, methods: List): """Return a string from the list of methods.""" tab = + ' ' * 3 methods = _filter_internal(methods, self.internal) if not methods: return '' text_list = [self.process(m) for m in methods] method_text = ['{}├── {}'.format(tab, m) for m in text_list[:-1]] method_text += ['{}└── {}'.format(tab, m) for m in text_list[-1:]] return '\n'.join(method_text) def visit_route(self, route: RouteInfo) -> str: """Visit a RouteInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.path} - {1.class_name}'.format(, route) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(route) method_text = self._methods_to_string(route.methods) if not method_text: return text return '{}:\n{}'.format(text, method_text) def visit_static_route(self, static_route: StaticRouteInfo) -> str: """Visit a StaticRouteInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.prefix} {}'.format(, static_route) if static_route.fallback_filename: text += ' [{0.fallback_filename}]'.format(static_route) return text def visit_sink(self, sink: SinkInfo) -> str: """Visit a SinkInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.prefix} {}'.format(, sink) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(sink) return text def visit_error_handler(self, error_handler: ErrorHandlerInfo) -> str: """Visit a ErrorHandlerInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{1.error} {}'.format(, error_handler) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(error_handler) return text def visit_middleware_method(self, middleware_method: MiddlewareMethodInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareMethodInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0.function_name}'.format(middleware_method) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(middleware_method) return text def visit_middleware_class(self, middleware_class: MiddlewareClassInfo) -> str: """Visit a ErrorHandlerInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = '{0}{}'.format(, middleware_class) if self.verbose: text += ' ({0.source_info})'.format(middleware_class) method_text = self._methods_to_string(middleware_class.methods) if not method_text: return text return '{}:\n{}'.format(text, method_text) def visit_middleware_tree_item(self, mti: MiddlewareTreeItemInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareTreeItemInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" symbol = mti._symbols.get(, '→') return '{0}{1} {2.class_name}.{}'.format(, symbol, mti) def visit_middleware_tree(self, m_tree: MiddlewareTreeInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareTreeInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" before = len(m_tree.request) + len(m_tree.resource) after = len(m_tree.response) if before + after == 0: return '' each = 2 initial = self.indent if after > before: self.indent += each * (after - before) text = [] for r in m_tree.request: text.append(self.process(r)) self.indent += each if text: text.append('') for r in m_tree.resource: text.append(self.process(r)) self.indent += each if m_tree.resource or not text: text.append('') self.indent += each text.append('{}├── Process route responder'.format( self.indent -= each if m_tree.response: text.append('') for r in m_tree.response: self.indent -= each text.append(self.process(r)) self.indent = initial return '\n'.join(text) def visit_middleware(self, middleware: MiddlewareInfo) -> str: """Visit a MiddlewareInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" text = self.process(middleware.middleware_tree) if self.verbose: self.indent += 4 m_text = '\n'.join(self.process(m) for m in middleware.middleware_classes) self.indent -= 4 if m_text: text += '\n{}- Middleware classes:\n{}'.format(, m_text) return text def visit_app(self, app: AppInfo) -> str: """Visit a AppInfo instance. Usually called by `process`.""" type_ = 'ASGI' if app.asgi else 'WSGI' self.indent = 4 text = '{} ({})'.format( or 'Falcon App', type_) if app.routes: routes = '\n'.join(self.process(r) for r in app.routes) text += '\n• Routes:\n{}'.format(routes) middleware_text = self.process(app.middleware) if middleware_text: text += '\n• Middleware ({}):\n{}'.format( app.middleware.independent_text, middleware_text ) if app.static_routes: static_routes = '\n'.join(self.process(sr) for sr in app.static_routes) text += '\n• Static routes:\n{}'.format(static_routes) if app.sinks: sinks = '\n'.join(self.process(s) for s in app.sinks) text += '\n• Sinks:\n{}'.format(sinks) errors = _filter_internal(app.error_handlers, self.internal) if errors: errs = '\n'.join(self.process(e) for e in errors) text += '\n• Error handlers:\n{}'.format(errs) return text
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_source_info(obj, default='[unknown file]'): """Try to get the definition file and line of obj. Return default on error. """ try: source_file = inspect.getsourcefile(obj) source_lines = inspect.findsource(obj) source_info = '{}:{}'.format(source_file, source_lines[1]) except Exception: # NOTE(vytas): If Falcon is cythonized, all default # responders coming from cythonized modules will # appear as built-in functions, and raise a # TypeError when trying to locate the source file. source_info = default return source_info def _get_source_info_and_name(obj): """Attempt to get the definition file and line of obj and its name.""" source_info = _get_source_info(obj, None) if source_info is None: # NOTE(caselit): a class instances return None. Try the type source_info = _get_source_info(type(obj)) name = getattr(obj, '__name__', None) if name is None: name = getattr(type(obj), '__name__', '[unknown]') return source_info, name def _is_internal(obj): """Check if the module of the object is a falcon module.""" module = inspect.getmodule(obj) if module: return module.__name__.startswith('falcon.') return False def _filter_internal(iterable, return_internal): """Filter the internal elements of an iterable.""" if return_internal: return iterable return [el for el in iterable if not el.internal]