Source code for falcon.api

# Copyright 2013 by Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Falcon API class."""

import re

import six

from falcon import api_helpers as helpers, DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE, routing
from falcon.http_error import HTTPError
from falcon.http_status import HTTPStatus
from falcon.request import Request, RequestOptions
import falcon.responders
from falcon.response import Response, ResponseOptions
import falcon.status_codes as status
from falcon.util.misc import get_argnames

[docs]class API(object): """This class is the main entry point into a Falcon-based app. Each API instance provides a callable WSGI interface and a routing engine. Keyword Arguments: media_type (str): Default media type to use as the value for the Content-Type header on responses (default 'application/json'). The ``falcon`` module provides a number of constants for common media types, such as ``falcon.MEDIA_MSGPACK``, ``falcon.MEDIA_YAML``, ``falcon.MEDIA_XML``, etc. middleware(object or list): Either a single object or a list of objects (instantiated classes) that implement the following middleware component interface:: class ExampleComponent(object): def process_request(self, req, resp): \"\"\"Process the request before routing it. Args: req: Request object that will eventually be routed to an on_* responder method. resp: Response object that will be routed to the on_* responder. \"\"\" def process_resource(self, req, resp, resource, params): \"\"\"Process the request and resource *after* routing. Note: This method is only called when the request matches a route to a resource. Args: req: Request object that will be passed to the routed responder. resp: Response object that will be passed to the responder. resource: Resource object to which the request was routed. May be None if no route was found for the request. params: A dict-like object representing any additional params derived from the route's URI template fields, that will be passed to the resource's responder method as keyword arguments. \"\"\" def process_response(self, req, resp, resource, req_succeeded) \"\"\"Post-processing of the response (after routing). Args: req: Request object. resp: Response object. resource: Resource object to which the request was routed. May be None if no route was found for the request. req_succeeded: True if no exceptions were raised while the framework processed and routed the request; otherwise False. \"\"\" (See also: :ref:`Middleware <middleware>`) request_type (Request): ``Request``-like class to use instead of Falcon's default class. Among other things, this feature affords inheriting from ``falcon.request.Request`` in order to override the ``context_type`` class variable. (default ``falcon.request.Request``) response_type (Response): ``Response``-like class to use instead of Falcon's default class. (default ``falcon.response.Response``) router (object): An instance of a custom router to use in lieu of the default engine. (See also: :ref:`Custom Routers <routing_custom>`) independent_middleware (bool): Set to ``True`` if response middleware should be executed independently of whether or not request middleware raises an exception (default ``False``). Attributes: req_options: A set of behavioral options related to incoming requests. (See also: :py:class:`~.RequestOptions`) resp_options: A set of behavioral options related to outgoing responses. (See also: :py:class:`~.ResponseOptions`) router_options: Configuration options for the router. If a custom router is in use, and it does not expose any configurable options, referencing this attribute will raise an instance of ``AttributeError``. (See also: :ref:`CompiledRouterOptions <compiled_router_options>`) """ # PERF(kgriffs): Reference via self since that is faster than # module global... _BODILESS_STATUS_CODES = set([ status.HTTP_100, status.HTTP_101, status.HTTP_204, status.HTTP_304 ]) _STREAM_BLOCK_SIZE = 8 * 1024 # 8 KiB __slots__ = ('_request_type', '_response_type', '_error_handlers', '_media_type', '_router', '_sinks', '_serialize_error', 'req_options', 'resp_options', '_middleware', '_independent_middleware', '_router_search') def __init__(self, media_type=DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE, request_type=Request, response_type=Response, middleware=None, router=None, independent_middleware=False): self._sinks = [] self._media_type = media_type # set middleware self._middleware = helpers.prepare_middleware( middleware, independent_middleware=independent_middleware) self._independent_middleware = independent_middleware self._router = router or routing.DefaultRouter() self._router_search = helpers.make_router_search(self._router) self._request_type = request_type self._response_type = response_type self._error_handlers = [] self._serialize_error = helpers.default_serialize_error self.req_options = RequestOptions() self.resp_options = ResponseOptions() self.req_options.default_media_type = media_type self.resp_options.default_media_type = media_type # NOTE(kgriffs): Add default error handlers self.add_error_handler(falcon.HTTPError, self._http_error_handler) self.add_error_handler(falcon.HTTPStatus, self._http_status_handler) def __call__(self, env, start_response): # noqa: C901 """WSGI `app` method. Makes instances of API callable from a WSGI server. May be used to host an API or called directly in order to simulate requests when testing the API. (See also: PEP 3333) Args: env (dict): A WSGI environment dictionary start_response (callable): A WSGI helper function for setting status and headers on a response. """ req = self._request_type(env, options=self.req_options) resp = self._response_type(options=self.resp_options) resource = None params = {} dependent_mw_resp_stack = [] mw_req_stack, mw_rsrc_stack, mw_resp_stack = self._middleware req_succeeded = False try: try: # NOTE(ealogar): The execution of request middleware # should be before routing. This will allow request mw # to modify the path. # NOTE: if flag set to use independent middleware, execute # request middleware independently. Otherwise, only queue # response middleware after request middleware succeeds. if self._independent_middleware: for process_request in mw_req_stack: process_request(req, resp) else: for process_request, process_response in mw_req_stack: if process_request: process_request(req, resp) if process_response: dependent_mw_resp_stack.insert(0, process_response) # NOTE(warsaw): Moved this to inside the try except # because it is possible when using object-based # traversal for _get_responder() to fail. An example is # a case where an object does not have the requested # next-hop child resource. In that case, the object # being asked to dispatch to its child will raise an # HTTP exception signalling the problem, e.g. a 404. responder, params, resource, req.uri_template = self._get_responder(req) except Exception as ex: if not self._handle_exception(ex, req, resp, params): raise else: try: # NOTE(kgriffs): If the request did not match any # route, a default responder is returned and the # resource is None. In that case, we skip the # resource middleware methods. if resource is not None: # Call process_resource middleware methods. for process_resource in mw_rsrc_stack: process_resource(req, resp, resource, params) responder(req, resp, **params) req_succeeded = True except Exception as ex: if not self._handle_exception(ex, req, resp, params): raise finally: # NOTE(kgriffs): It may not be useful to still execute # response middleware methods in the case of an unhandled # exception, but this is done for the sake of backwards # compatibility, since it was incidentally the behavior in # the 1.0 release before this section of the code was # reworked. # Call process_response middleware methods. for process_response in mw_resp_stack or dependent_mw_resp_stack: try: process_response(req, resp, resource, req_succeeded) except Exception as ex: if not self._handle_exception(ex, req, resp, params): raise req_succeeded = False # # Set status and headers # # NOTE(kgriffs): While not specified in the spec that the status # must be of type str (not unicode on Py27), some WSGI servers # can complain when it is not. resp_status = str(resp.status) if six.PY2 else resp.status if req.method == 'HEAD' or resp_status in self._BODILESS_STATUS_CODES: body = [] else: body, length = self._get_body(resp, env.get('wsgi.file_wrapper')) if length is not None: resp._headers['content-length'] = str(length) # NOTE(kgriffs): Based on wsgiref.validate's interpretation of # RFC 2616, as commented in that module's source code. The # presence of the Content-Length header is not similarly # enforced. if resp_status in (status.HTTP_204, status.HTTP_304): media_type = None else: media_type = self._media_type headers = resp._wsgi_headers(media_type) # Return the response per the WSGI spec. start_response(resp_status, headers) return body @property def router_options(self): return self._router.options
[docs] def add_route(self, uri_template, resource, *args, **kwargs): """Associates a templatized URI path with a resource. Falcon routes incoming requests to resources based on a set of URI templates. If the path requested by the client matches the template for a given route, the request is then passed on to the associated resource for processing. If no route matches the request, control then passes to a default responder that simply raises an instance of :class:`~.HTTPNotFound`. (See also: :ref:`Routing <routing>`) Args: uri_template (str): A templatized URI. Care must be taken to ensure the template does not mask any sink patterns, if any are registered. (See also: :meth:`~.add_sink`) resource (instance): Object which represents a REST resource. Falcon will pass "GET" requests to on_get, "PUT" requests to on_put, etc. If any HTTP methods are not supported by your resource, simply don't define the corresponding request handlers, and Falcon will do the right thing. Note: Any additional args and kwargs not defined above are passed through to the underlying router's ``add_route()`` method. The default router does not expect any additional arguments, but custom routers may take advantage of this feature to receive additional options when setting up routes. """ # NOTE(richardolsson): Doing the validation here means it doesn't have # to be duplicated in every future router implementation. if not isinstance(uri_template, six.string_types): raise TypeError('uri_template is not a string') if not uri_template.startswith('/'): raise ValueError("uri_template must start with '/'") if '//' in uri_template: raise ValueError("uri_template may not contain '//'") method_map = routing.create_http_method_map(resource) self._router.add_route(uri_template, method_map, resource, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_sink(self, sink, prefix=r'/'): """Registers a sink method for the API. If no route matches a request, but the path in the requested URI matches a sink prefix, Falcon will pass control to the associated sink, regardless of the HTTP method requested. Using sinks, you can drain and dynamically handle a large number of routes, when creating static resources and responders would be impractical. For example, you might use a sink to create a smart proxy that forwards requests to one or more backend services. Args: sink (callable): A callable taking the form ``func(req, resp)``. prefix (str): A regex string, typically starting with '/', which will trigger the sink if it matches the path portion of the request's URI. Both strings and precompiled regex objects may be specified. Characters are matched starting at the beginning of the URI path. Note: Named groups are converted to kwargs and passed to the sink as such. Warning: If the prefix overlaps a registered route template, the route will take precedence and mask the sink. (See also: :meth:`~.add_route`) """ if not hasattr(prefix, 'match'): # Assume it is a string prefix = re.compile(prefix) # NOTE(kgriffs): Insert at the head of the list such that # in the case of a duplicate prefix, the last one added # is preferred. self._sinks.insert(0, (prefix, sink))
[docs] def add_error_handler(self, exception, handler=None): """Registers a handler for a given exception error type. Error handlers may be registered for any type, including :class:`~.HTTPError`. This feature provides a central location for logging and otherwise handling exceptions raised by responders, hooks, and middleware components. A handler can raise an instance of :class:`~.HTTPError` or :class:`~.HTTPStatus` to communicate information about the issue to the client. Alternatively, a handler may modify `resp` directly. Error handlers are matched in LIFO order. In other words, when searching for an error handler to match a raised exception, and more than one handler matches the exception type, the framework will choose the one that was most recently registered. Therefore, more general error handlers (e.g., for the standard ``Exception`` type) should be added first, to avoid masking more specific handlers for subclassed types. Args: exception (type): Whenever an error occurs when handling a request that is an instance of this exception class, the associated handler will be called. handler (callable): A function or callable object taking the form ``func(ex, req, resp, params)``. If not specified explicitly, the handler will default to ``exception.handle``, where ``exception`` is the error type specified above, and ``handle`` is a static method (i.e., decorated with @staticmethod) that accepts the same params just described. For example:: class CustomException(CustomBaseException): @staticmethod def handle(ex, req, resp, params): # TODO: Log the error # Convert to an instance of falcon.HTTPError raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_792) """ if handler is None: try: handler = exception.handle except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('handler must either be specified ' 'explicitly or defined as a static' 'method named "handle" that is a ' 'member of the given exception class.') # Insert at the head of the list in case we get duplicate # adds (will cause the most recently added one to win). self._error_handlers.insert(0, (exception, handler))
[docs] def set_error_serializer(self, serializer): """Override the default serializer for instances of :class:`~.HTTPError`. When a responder raises an instance of :class:`~.HTTPError`, Falcon converts it to an HTTP response automatically. The default serializer supports JSON and XML, but may be overridden by this method to use a custom serializer in order to support other media types. Note: If a custom media type is used and the type includes a "+json" or "+xml" suffix, the default serializer will convert the error to JSON or XML, respectively. The :class:`~.HTTPError` class contains helper methods, such as `to_json()` and `to_dict()`, that can be used from within custom serializers. For example:: def my_serializer(req, resp, exception): representation = None preferred = req.client_prefers(('application/x-yaml', 'application/json')) if preferred is not None: if preferred == 'application/json': representation = exception.to_json() else: representation = yaml.dump(exception.to_dict(), encoding=None) resp.body = representation resp.content_type = preferred resp.append_header('Vary', 'Accept') Args: serializer (callable): A function taking the form ``func(req, resp, exception)``, where `req` is the request object that was passed to the responder method, `resp` is the response object, and `exception` is an instance of ``falcon.HTTPError``. """ if len(get_argnames(serializer)) == 2: serializer = helpers.wrap_old_error_serializer(serializer) self._serialize_error = serializer
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers that require self # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_responder(self, req): """Searches routes for a matching responder. Args: req: The request object. Returns: tuple: A 3-member tuple consisting of a responder callable, a ``dict`` containing parsed path fields (if any were specified in the matching route's URI template), and a reference to the responder's resource instance. Note: If a responder was matched to the given URI, but the HTTP method was not found in the method_map for the responder, the responder callable element of the returned tuple will be `falcon.responder.bad_request`. Likewise, if no responder was matched for the given URI, then the responder callable element of the returned tuple will be `falcon.responder.path_not_found` """ path = req.path method = req.method uri_template = None route = self._router_search(path, req=req) if route is not None: try: resource, method_map, params, uri_template = route except ValueError: # NOTE(kgriffs): Older routers may not return the # template. But for performance reasons they should at # least return None if they don't support it. resource, method_map, params = route else: # NOTE(kgriffs): Older routers may indicate that no route # was found by returning (None, None, None). Therefore, we # normalize resource as the flag to indicate whether or not # a route was found, for the sake of backwards-compat. resource = None if resource is not None: try: responder = method_map[method] except KeyError: responder = falcon.responders.bad_request else: params = {} for pattern, sink in self._sinks: m = pattern.match(path) if m: params = m.groupdict() responder = sink break else: responder = falcon.responders.path_not_found return (responder, params, resource, uri_template) def _compose_status_response(self, req, resp, http_status): """Composes a response for the given HTTPStatus instance.""" # PERF(kgriffs): The code to set the status and headers is identical # to that used in _compose_error_response(), but refactoring in the # name of DRY isn't worth the extra CPU cycles. resp.status = http_status.status if http_status.headers is not None: resp.set_headers(http_status.headers) # NOTE(kgriffs): If http_status.body is None, that's OK because # it's acceptable to set resp.body to None (to indicate no body). resp.body = http_status.body def _compose_error_response(self, req, resp, error): """Composes a response for the given HTTPError instance.""" resp.status = error.status if error.headers is not None: resp.set_headers(error.headers) if error.has_representation: self._serialize_error(req, resp, error) def _http_status_handler(self, status, req, resp, params): self._compose_status_response(req, resp, status) def _http_error_handler(self, error, req, resp, params): self._compose_error_response(req, resp, error) def _handle_exception(self, ex, req, resp, params): """Handles an exception raised from mw or a responder. Args: ex: Exception to handle req: Current request object to pass to the handler registered for the given exception type resp: Current response object to pass to the handler registered for the given exception type params: Responder params to pass to the handler registered for the given exception type Returns: bool: ``True`` if a handler was found and called for the exception, ``False`` otherwise. """ for err_type, err_handler in self._error_handlers: if isinstance(ex, err_type): try: err_handler(ex, req, resp, params) except HTTPStatus as status: self._compose_status_response(req, resp, status) except HTTPError as error: self._compose_error_response(req, resp, error) return True # NOTE(kgriffs): No error handlers are defined for ex # and it is not one of (HTTPStatus, HTTPError), since it # would have matched one of the corresponding default # handlers. return False # PERF(kgriffs): Moved from api_helpers since it is slightly faster # to call using self, and this function is called for most # requests. def _get_body(self, resp, wsgi_file_wrapper=None): """Converts resp content into an iterable as required by PEP 333 Args: resp: Instance of falcon.Response wsgi_file_wrapper: Reference to wsgi.file_wrapper from the WSGI environ dict, if provided by the WSGI server. Used when is a file-like object (default None). Returns: tuple: A two-member tuple of the form (iterable, content_length). The length is returned as ``None`` when unknown. The iterable is determined as follows: * If resp.body is not ``None``, returns [resp.body], encoded as UTF-8 if it is a Unicode string. Bytestrings are returned as-is. * If is not ``None``, returns [] * If is not ``None``, returns iterable using wsgi.file_wrapper, if possible. * Otherwise, returns [] """ body = resp.body if body is not None: if not isinstance(body, bytes): body = body.encode('utf-8') return [body], len(body) data = if data is not None: return [data], len(data) stream = if stream is not None: # NOTE(kgriffs): Heuristic to quickly check if stream is # file-like. Not perfect, but should be good enough until # proven otherwise. if hasattr(stream, 'read'): if wsgi_file_wrapper is not None: # TODO(kgriffs): Make block size configurable at the # global level, pending experimentation to see how # useful that would be. See also the discussion on # this GitHub PR: iterable = wsgi_file_wrapper(stream, self._STREAM_BLOCK_SIZE) else: iterable = helpers.CloseableStreamIterator(stream, self._STREAM_BLOCK_SIZE) else: iterable = stream # NOTE(kgriffs): If resp.stream_len is None, content_length # will be as well; the caller of _get_body must handle this # case by not setting the Content-Length header. return iterable, resp.stream_len return [], 0