
Falcon supports before and after hooks. You install a hook simply by applying one of the decorators below, either to an individual responder or to an entire resource.

For example, consider this hook that validates a POST request for an image resource:

def validate_image_type(req, resp, resource, params):
    if req.content_type not in ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES:
        msg = 'Image type not allowed. Must be PNG, JPEG, or GIF'
        raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('Bad request', msg)

You would attach this hook to an on_post responder like so:

def on_post(self, req, resp):

Or, suppose you had a hook that you would like to apply to all responders for a given resource. In that case, you would simply decorate the resource class:

class Message(object):
    def on_post(self, req, resp):

    def on_get(self, req, resp):

Falcon middleware components can also be used to insert logic before and after requests. However, unlike hooks, middleware components are triggered globally for all requests.


Decorator to execute the given action function before the responder.

Parameters:action (callable) –

A function of the form func(req, resp, resource, params), where resource is a reference to the resource class instance associated with the request, and params is a dict of URI Template field names, if any, that will be passed into the resource responder as kwargs.


Hooks may inject extra params as needed. For example:

def do_something(req, resp, resource, params):
        params['id'] = int(params['id'])
    except ValueError:
        raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('Invalid ID',
                                    'ID was not valid.')

    params['answer'] = 42

Decorator to execute the given action function after the responder.

Parameters:action (callable) – A function of the form func(req, resp, resource), where resource is a reference to the resource class instance associated with the request