
In this tutorial we’ll walk through building an API for a simple image sharing service. Along the way, we’ll discuss Falcon’s major features and introduce the terminology used by the framework.

First Steps

Before continuing, be sure you’ve got Falcon installed. Then, create a new project folder called “look” and cd into it:

$ mkdir look
$ cd look

Next, let’s create a new file that will be the entry point into your app:

$ touch app.py

Open that file in your favorite text editor and add the following lines:

import falcon

api = application = falcon.API()

That creates your WSGI application and aliases it as api. You can use any variable names you like, but we’ll use application since that is what Gunicorn expects it to be called, by default.

A WSGI application is just a callable with a well-defined signature so that you can host the application with any web server that understands the WSGI protocol. Let’s take a look at the falcon.API class.

First, install IPython (if you don’t already have it), and fire it up:

$ pip install ipython
$ ipython

Now, type the following to introspect the falcon.API callable:

In [1]: import falcon

In [2]: falcon.API.__call__?

Alternatively, you can use the built-in help function:

In [3]: help(falcon.API.__call__)

Note the method signature. env and start_response are standard WSGI params. Falcon adds a thin abstraction on top of these params so you don’t have to interact with them directly.

The Falcon framework contains extensive inline documentation that you can query using the above technique. The team has worked hard to optimize the docstrings for readability, so that you can quickly scan them and find what you need.


bpython is another super- powered REPL that is good to have in your toolbox when exploring a new library.

Hosting Your App

Now that you have a simple Falcon app, you can take it for a spin with a WSGI server. Python includes a reference server for self-hosting, but let’s use something that you would actually deploy in production.

$ pip install gunicorn
$ gunicorn app

Now try querying it with curl:

$ curl localhost:8000 -v

You should get a 404. That’s actually OK, because we haven’t specified any routes yet. Note that Falcon includes a default 404 response handler that will fire for any requested path that doesn’t match any routes.

Curl is a bit of a pain to use, so let’s install HTTPie and use it from now on.

$ pip install --upgrade httpie
$ http localhost:8000

Creating Resources

Falcon borrows some of its terminology from the REST architectural style, so if you are familiar with that mindset, Falcon should be familiar. On the other hand, if you have no idea what REST is, no worries; Falcon was designed to be as intuitive as possible for anyone who understands the basics of HTTP.

In Falcon, you map incoming requests to things called “Resources”. A Resource is just a regular Python class that includes some methods that follow a certain naming convention. Each of these methods corresponds to an action that the API client can request be performed in order to fetch or transform the resource in question.

Since we are building an image-sharing API, let’s create an “images” resource. Create a new file, images.py within your project directory, and add the following to it:

import falcon

class Resource(object):

    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        resp.body = '{"message": "Hello world!"}'
        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200

As you can see, Resource is just a regular class. You can name the class anything you like. Falcon uses duck-typing, so you don’t need to inherit from any sort of special base class.

The image resource above defines a single method, on_get. For any HTTP method you want your resource to support, simply add an on_x class method to the resource, where x is any one of the standard HTTP methods, lowercased (e.g., on_get, on_put, on_head, etc.).

We call these well-known methods “responders”. Each responder takes (at least) two params, one representing the HTTP request, and one representing the HTTP response to that request. By convention, these are called req and resp, respectively. Route templates and hooks can inject extra params, as we shall see later on.

Right now, the image resource responds to GET requests with a simple 200 OK and a JSON body. Falcon’s Internet media type defaults to application/json but you can set it to whatever you like. For example, you could use MessagePack, or any other serialization format.

If you’d like to use MessagePack in the above example, you’ll need to install the (de)serializer for Python running pip install msgpack-python and then update your responder to set the response data and content_type accordingly:

import falcon

import msgpack

class Resource(object):

    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        resp.data = msgpack.packb({'message': 'Hello world!'})
        resp.content_type = 'application/msgpack'
        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200

Note the use of resp.data in lieu of resp.body. If you assign a bytestring to the latter, Falcon will figure it out, but you can get a little performance boost by assigning directly to resp.data.

OK, now let’s wire up this resource and see it in action. Go back to app.py and modify it so it looks something like this:

import falcon

import images

api = application = falcon.API()

images = images.Resource()
api.add_route('/images', images)

Now, when a request comes in for “/images”, Falcon will call the responder on the images resource that corresponds to the requested HTTP method.

Restart gunicorn, and then try sending a GET request to the resource:

$ http GET localhost:8000/images

Request and Response Objects

Each responder in a resource receives a request object that can be used to read the headers, query parameters, and body of the request. You can use the help function mentioned earlier to list the Request class members:

In [1]: import falcon

In [2]: help(falcon.Request)

Each responder also receives a response object that can be used for setting the status code, headers, and body of the response. You can list the Response class members using the same technique used above:

In [3]: help(falcon.Response)

Let’s see how this works. When a client POSTs to our images collection, we want to create a new image resource. First, we’ll need to specify where the images will be saved (for a real service, you would want to use an object storage service instead, such as Cloud Files or S3).

Edit your images.py file and add the following to the resource:

def __init__(self, storage_path):
    self.storage_path = storage_path

Then, edit app.py and pass in a path to the resource initializer.

Next, let’s implement the POST responder:

import os
import uuid
import mimetypes

import falcon

class Resource(object):

    def __init__(self, storage_path):
        self.storage_path = storage_path

    def on_post(self, req, resp):
        ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(req.content_type)
        filename = '{uuid}{ext}'.format(uuid=uuid.uuid4(), ext=ext)
        image_path = os.path.join(self.storage_path, filename)

        with open(image_path, 'wb') as image_file:
            while True:
                chunk = req.stream.read(4096)
                if not chunk:


        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201
        resp.location = '/images/' + filename

As you can see, we generate a unique ID and filename for the new image, and then write it out by reading from req.stream. It’s called stream instead of body to emphasize the fact that you are really reading from an input stream; Falcon never spools or decodes request data, instead giving you direct access to the incoming binary stream provided by the WSGI server.

Note that we are setting the HTTP response status code to “201 Created”. For a full list of predefined status strings, simply call help on falcon.status_codes:

In [4]: help(falcon.status_codes)

The last line in the on_post responder sets the Location header for the newly created resource. (We will create a route for that path in just a minute.) Note that the Request and Response classes contain convenience attributes for reading and setting common headers, but you can always access any header by name with the req.get_header and resp.set_header methods.

Restart gunicorn, and then try sending a POST request to the resource (substituting test.jpg for a path to any JPEG you like.)

$ http POST localhost:8000/images Content-Type:image/jpeg < test.jpg

Now, if you check your storage directory, it should contain a copy of the image you just POSTed.

Serving Images

Now that we have a way of getting images into the service, we need a way to get them back out. What we want to do is return an image when it is requested using the path that came back in the Location header, like so:

$ http GET localhost:8000/images/87db45ff42

Now, we could add an on_get responder to our images resource, and that is fine for simple resources like this, but that approach can lead to problems when you need to respond differently to the same HTTP method (e.g., GET), depending on whether the user wants to interact with a collection of things, or a single thing.

With that in mind, let’s create a separate class to represent a single image, as opposed to a collection of images. We will then add an on_get responder to the new class.

Go ahead and edit your images.py file to look something like this:

import os
import uuid
import mimetypes

import falcon

class Collection(object):

    def __init__(self, storage_path):
        self.storage_path = storage_path

    def on_post(self, req, resp):
        ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(req.content_type)
        filename = '{uuid}{ext}'.format(uuid=uuid.uuid4(), ext=ext)
        image_path = os.path.join(self.storage_path, filename)

        with open(image_path, 'wb') as image_file:
            while True:
                chunk = req.stream.read(4096)
                if not chunk:


        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201
        resp.location = '/images/' + filename

class Item(object):

    def __init__(self, storage_path):
        self.storage_path = storage_path

    def on_get(self, req, resp, name):
        resp.content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0]
        image_path = os.path.join(self.storage_path, name)
        resp.stream = open(image_path, 'rb')
        resp.stream_len = os.path.getsize(image_path)

As you can see, we renamed Resource to Collection and added a new Item class to represent a single image resource. Also, note the name parameter for the on_get responder. Any URI parameters that you specify in your routes will be turned into corresponding kwargs and passed into the target responder as such. We’ll see how to specify URI parameters in a moment.

Inside the on_get responder, we set the Content-Type header based on the filename extension, and then stream out the image directly from an open file handle. Note the use of resp.stream_len. Whenever using resp.stream instead of resp.body or resp.data, you have to also specify the expected length of the stream so that the web client knows how much data to read from the response.


If you do not know the size of the stream in advance, you can work around that by using chunked encoding, but that’s beyond the scope of this tutorial.

If resp.status is not set explicitly, it defaults to 200 OK, which is exactly what we want the on_get responder to do.

Now, let’s wire things up and give this a try. Go ahead and edit app.py to look something like this:

import falcon

import images

api = application = falcon.API()

storage_path = '/usr/local/var/look'

image_collection = images.Collection(storage_path)
image = images.Item(storage_path)

api.add_route('/images', image_collection)
api.add_route('/images/{name}', image)

As you can see, we specified a new route, /images/{name}. This causes Falcon to expect all associated responders to accept a name argument.


Falcon also supports more complex parameterized path segments containing multiple values. For example, a GH-like API could use the following template to add a route for diffing two branches:


Now, restart gunicorn and post another picture to the service:

$ http POST localhost:8000/images Content-Type:image/jpeg < test.jpg

Make a note of the path returned in the Location header, and use it to try GETing the image:

$ http localhost:8000/images/6daa465b7b.jpeg

HTTPie won’t download the image by default, but you can see that the response headers were set correctly. Just for fun, go ahead and paste the above URI into your web browser. The image should display correctly.

Introducing Hooks

At this point you should have a pretty good understanding of the basic parts that make up a Falcon-based API. Before we finish up, let’s just take a few minutes to clean up the code and add some error handling.

First of all, let’s check the incoming media type when something is posted to make sure it is a common image type. We’ll do this by using a Falcon before hook.

First, let’s define a list of media types our service will accept. Place this constant near the top, just after the import statements in images.py:


The idea here is to only accept GIF, JPEG, and PNG images. You can add others to the list if you like.

Next, let’s create a hook that will run before each request to post a message. Add this method below the definition of ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES:

def validate_image_type(req, resp, resource, params):
    if req.content_type not in ALLOWED_IMAGE_TYPES:
        msg = 'Image type not allowed. Must be PNG, JPEG, or GIF'
        raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('Bad request', msg)

And then attach the hook to the on_post responder like so:

def on_post(self, req, resp):

Now, before every call to that responder, Falcon will first invoke the validate_image_type method. There isn’t anything special about that method, other than it must accept four arguments. Every hook takes, as its first two arguments, a reference to the same req and resp objects that are passed into responders. resource argument is a Resource instance associated with the request. The fourth argument, named params by convention, is a reference to the kwarg dictionary Falcon creates for each request. params will contain the route’s URI template params and their values, if any.

As you can see in the example above, you can use req to get information about the incoming request. However, you can also use resp to play with the HTTP response as needed, and you can even inject extra kwargs for responders in a DRY way, e.g.,:

def extract_project_id(req, resp, resource, params):
    """Adds `project_id` to the list of params for all responders.

    Meant to be used as a `before` hook.
    params['project_id'] = req.get_header('X-PROJECT-ID')

Now, you can imagine that such a hook should apply to all responders for a resource. You can apply hooks to an entire resource like so:

class Message(object):

    # ...

Similar logic can be applied globally with middleware. (See falcon.middleware)

To learn more about hooks, take a look at the docstring for the API class, as well the docstrings for the falcon.before and falcon.after decorators.

Now that you’ve added a hook to validate the media type when an image is POSTed, you can see it in action by passing in something nefarious:

$ http POST localhost:8000/images Content-Type:image/jpx < test.jpx

That should return a 400 Bad Request status and a nicely structured error body. When something goes wrong, you usually want to give your users some info to help them resolve the issue. The exception to this rule is when an error occurs because the user is requested something they are not authorized to access. In that case, you may wish to simply return 404 Not Found with an empty body, in case a malicious user is fishing for information that will help them crack your API.

Error Handling

Generally speaking, Falcon assumes that resource responders (on_get, on_post, etc.) will, for the most part, do the right thing. In other words, Falcon doesn’t try very hard to protect responder code from itself.

This approach reduces the number of (often) extraneous checks that Falcon would otherwise have to perform, making the framework more efficient. With that in mind, writing a high-quality API based on Falcon requires that:

  1. Resource responders set response variables to sane values.
  2. Your code is well-tested, with high code coverage.
  3. Errors are anticipated, detected, and handled appropriately within each responder.


Falcon will re-raise errors that do not inherit from falcon.HTTPError unless you have registered a custom error handler for that type (see also: falcon.API).

Speaking of error handling, when something goes horribly (or mildly) wrong, you could manually set the error status, appropriate response headers, and even an error body using the resp object. However, Falcon tries to make things a bit easier by providing a set of exceptions you can raise when something goes wrong. In fact, if Falcon catches any exception your responder throws that inherits from falcon.HTTPError, the framework will convert that exception to an appropriate HTTP error response.

You may raise an instance of falcon.HTTPError, or use any one of a number of predefined error classes that try to do “the right thing” in setting appropriate headers and bodies. Have a look at the docs for any of the following to get more information on how you can use them in your API:


For example, you could handle a missing image file like this:

    resp.stream = open(image_path, 'rb')
except IOError:
    raise falcon.HTTPNotFound()

Or you could handle a bogus filename like this:

VALID_IMAGE_NAME = re.compile(r'[a-f0-9]{10}\.(jpeg|gif|png)$')

# ...

class Item(object):

    def __init__(self, storage_path):
        self.storage_path = storage_path

    def on_get(self, req, resp, name):
        if not VALID_IMAGE_NAME.match(name):
            raise falcon.HTTPNotFound()

Sometimes you don’t have much control over the type of exceptions that get raised. To address this, Falcon lets you create custom handlers for any type of error. For example, if your database throws exceptions that inherit from NiftyDBError, you can install a special error handler just for NiftyDBError, so you don’t have to copy-paste your handler code across multiple responders.

Have a look at the docstring for falcon.API.add_error_handler for more information on using this feature to DRY up your code:

In [71]: help(falcon.API.add_error_handler)

What Now?

Our friendly community is available to answer your questions and help you work through sticky problems. See also: Getting Help.

As mentioned previously, Falcon’s docstrings are quite extensive, and so you can learn a lot just by poking around Falcon’s modules from a Python REPL, such as IPython or bpython.

Also, don’t be shy about pulling up Falcon’s source code on GitHub or in your favorite text editor. The team has tried to make the code as straightforward and readable as possible; where other documentation may fall short, the code basically “can’t be wrong.”