Source code for falcon.hooks

# Copyright 2013 by Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import functools
from functools import wraps
import inspect

import six

from falcon import HTTP_METHODS

[docs]def before(action): """Decorator to execute the given action function *before* the responder. Args: action (callable): A function of the form ``func(req, resp, resource, params)``, where `resource` is a reference to the resource class instance associated with the request, and `params` is a dict of URI Template field names, if any, that will be passed into the resource responder as kwargs. Note: Hooks may inject extra params as needed. For example:: def do_something(req, resp, resource, params): try: params['id'] = int(params['id']) except ValueError: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('Invalid ID', 'ID was not valid.') params['answer'] = 42 """ def _before(responder_or_resource): if isinstance(responder_or_resource, six.class_types): resource = responder_or_resource for method in HTTP_METHODS: responder_name = 'on_' + method.lower() try: responder = getattr(resource, responder_name) except AttributeError: # resource does not implement this method pass else: # Usually expect a method, but any callable will do if callable(responder): # This pattern is necessary to capture the current # value of responder in the do_before_all closure; # otherwise, they will capture the same responder # variable that is shared between iterations of the # for loop, above. def let(responder=responder): do_before_all = _wrap_with_before(action, responder) setattr(resource, responder_name, do_before_all) let() return resource else: responder = responder_or_resource do_before_one = _wrap_with_before(action, responder) return do_before_one return _before
[docs]def after(action): """Decorator to execute the given action function *after* the responder. Args: action (callable): A function of the form ``func(req, resp, resource)``, where `resource` is a reference to the resource class instance associated with the request """ def _after(responder_or_resource): if isinstance(responder_or_resource, six.class_types): resource = responder_or_resource for method in HTTP_METHODS: responder_name = 'on_' + method.lower() try: responder = getattr(resource, responder_name) except AttributeError: # resource does not implement this method pass else: # Usually expect a method, but any callable will do if callable(responder): def let(responder=responder): do_after_all = _wrap_with_after(action, responder) setattr(resource, responder_name, do_after_all) let() return resource else: responder = responder_or_resource do_after_one = _wrap_with_after(action, responder) return do_after_one return _after
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _has_resource_arg(action): """Check if the given action function accepts a resource arg.""" if isinstance(action, functools.partial): # NOTE(kgriffs): We special-case this, since versions of # Python prior to 3.4 raise an error when trying to get the # spec for a partial. spec = inspect.getargspec(action.func) elif inspect.isroutine(action): # NOTE(kgriffs): We have to distinguish between instances of a # callable class vs. a routine, since Python versions prior to # 3.4 raise an error when trying to get the spec from # a callable class instance. spec = inspect.getargspec(action) else: spec = inspect.getargspec(action.__call__) return 'resource' in spec.args def _wrap_with_after(action, responder): """Execute the given action function after a responder method. Args: action: A function with a signature similar to a resource responder method, taking the form ``func(req, resp, resource)``. responder: The responder method to wrap. """ # NOTE(swistakm): create shim before checking what will be actually # decorated. This helps to avoid excessive nesting if _has_resource_arg(action): shim = action else: # TODO(kgriffs): This decorator does not work on callable # classes in Python vesions prior to 3.4. # # @wraps(action) def shim(req, resp, resource): action(req, resp) @wraps(responder) def do_after(self, req, resp, **kwargs): responder(self, req, resp, **kwargs) shim(req, resp, self) return do_after def _wrap_with_before(action, responder): """Execute the given action function before a responder method. Args: action: A function with a similar signature to a resource responder method, taking the form ``func(req, resp, resource, params)``. responder: The responder method to wrap """ # NOTE(swistakm): create shim before checking what will be actually # decorated. This allows to avoid excessive nesting if _has_resource_arg(action): shim = action else: # TODO(kgriffs): This decorator does not work on callable # classes in Python vesions prior to 3.4. # # @wraps(action) def shim(req, resp, resource, kwargs): # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't have to pass "self" even if has_self, # since method is assumed to be bound. action(req, resp, kwargs) @wraps(responder) def do_before(self, req, resp, **kwargs): shim(req, resp, self, kwargs) responder(self, req, resp, **kwargs) return do_before